UNAIR NEWS – Nabila Maraya Farenia, 2017 student of Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). She is one of UNAIR delegates of the internship program at Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The program was held on December 23, 2019 – February 9, 2020. Besides that, another participant from UI and UGM also joined this internship program. During the program, Nabila claimed to be involved in all activities carried out by Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen, and she was introduced to the scope of work of Indonesian representatives in there.
“I got an offer and tried to apply, and then I got accepted. During my 5th semester, I took community service credit and then I converted the internship score for international community service, ” she said on Sunday, February 16.
Furthermore, Nabila was involved in information and socio-cultural division to monitor the news in Denmark. She also calculated a survey related to the image of Indonesia in Denmark, made a weekly report for Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen and she did research data related to Lithuanian state trade and investment, financial administration, and domesticity.
Nabila also learned to create a Danish international visa and passport for Indonesian citizens living in Denmark. Besides, it was a valuable experience for her to be the only one of the delegation from UNAIR delegation and carried Alamamater in the international scene.
“There were some experiences that I had during my internship program in Denmark. The point is that almost every activity I did in Indonesian Embassy has been done. I was also briefly invited to a diplomatic reception and I got the opportunity to meet with ambassadors and high-ranking officials from other countries, ” she said.
“Besides being able to learn a lot from the staff of Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen, they also gave me some wise advice. They are always open to sharing or discussion. I was also taught to be more independent and demanded to do things well, “she added.

According to Nabila, the staff at the Indonesian Embassy are nice and welcome for internship students. In addition to academic needs, an internship is needed to increase work experience for students in preparing them for the professional world.
“If you have opportunity and time, you should use as much as possible because you may not be able to get this experience after you graduate from university, “she concluded. (*) Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti
Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i