UNAIR NEWS – February 12, 2016, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) had its 33st Anniversary celebration. Located in Excellence with Morality Hall, the big family of FPsi started their celebration with a religious gathering as a form of gratitude. In addition, there was also a sharing activity with orphans, Berbagi Kasih dan Cerita Bersama Anak Panti Asuhan(Sharing Love and Stories with Orphans). There were 33 orphans from Himayatun Ayat Orphanage Dukuh Kupang Surabaya.
Themed Psikologi untuk Kemanusiaan (Psychology to Humanity), Primatia Yogi Wulandari, S.Psi., M.Si., a psychologist in the committee stated that the theme was also caused by the implementation of MEA. An expert on growth psychology also believed in the need of professionalism competence and character improvements to Indonesian people to face MEA, nevertheless, humanity values should always be priorities. They, according to Primatia, are qualities needed by scientists and psychological practitioners.
“This Psychology to Humanity theme is an effort to take humanity values as parts of the characters and psychological scientific integrity in Indonesia,” she said.
For its 33st Anniversary, FPsi has had various events to hold such as bazaar, seminar, Alumni inspriring class, talkshow, psychological work exhibition and national scientific meeting. The closest agenda is psychology harmonious exercise held on Sunday, February 14 in UNAIR FPsi.
“Through these Anniversary events, I hoped UNAIR FPsi will not stay quiet in the tower of academic achievements but also contribute to the social betterment and be useful in human improvements,” she said.
In the same occasion, Sahid as the one of the employees in the orphanage hoped that UNAIR can achieve more success by inviting the orphans and it will make more contributions in the society. He said it when the orphans were enjoying the puppet shows from Teater Boneka FPsi.
“We are grateful and deeply thank for this, we hope this kind of service is carried on in the future and hopefully, FPsi UNAIR can achieve more success,” he said. (*)
Author : Nuri Hermawan