Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Faculty of Vocational Studies holds discussion on quality development of national vocational education

UNAIR NEWS – As an effort of educational development based on the link and match , Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Thursday, September 10, 2020. Not only from faculty level, the discussion focused on industry standard programs in priority care services was also attended by some high-ranking officials and vocational studies stakeholders in Indonesia.

UNAIR Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tripuspaningsih, in the opening remarks, said that UNAIR’s vocational studies transformation efforts had actually started since the faculty was established in 2012. At that time, UNAIR realized that vocational education has enormous potential, especially in the midst of a fast growing industrial sector.

Head of UNAIR Professional Certification Institute (LSP) Dr. Imam Mustofa, drh., M.Kes also emphasized the seriousness of UNAIR to participate in formulating quality and competence standards for vocational graduates in Indonesia. “One of UNAIR’s strengths is in health, including care services. Therefore,we will also invite our educational partners and industrial partners to help formulating these standards, “he said.

After the remarks from Director of Partnership and Alignment of Business and Industrial World (MitasDUDI) Ahmad Saufi, a representative of National Board for Professional Certification (BNSP) Tetty DS Ariyanto delivered her presentation. Tetty said that there are only two goals for quality assurance: trust and confidence. So to foster this trust, professional and educational certification must be standardized with values that are acceptable both at national and international level.

Therefore, to start the formulation of these standards, the Directorate General of Vocational Education (Dirjen Diksi) invited all industry practitioners and stakeholders including UNAIR to hold a discussion and establish Indonesian National Work Competence Standards (SKKNI) in a convention.

There are three methods of formulating the SKKNI: field research, adaptation of international competency standards, and adoption of international competency standards. The formulation process itself is quite long and involves many parties, from accommodating the demands of industry to reviewing the SKKNI even after it has been established.

“From the various processes, they are aimed at linking and matching as well as making our vocational graduates qualified both nationally and internationally. Because to be honest, some of our competence standards are being criticized, especially in international realm,” said Tetty.

Meanwhile, after the presentation from the BNSP Quality Assurance Coordinator, there was a discussions attended by FV UNAIR officials, PAVETI chairman, representatives of the Indonesian Physiotherapy Association, DUDI partners’ representatives, association partners, industrial partners, as well as UNAIR Faculty of Vocational Studies affiliated college partners.

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia