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FEB Lecturers Give Tips to Create Sustainable Business

A lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Airlangga , and coordinator for entrepreneurship in the Center for Career and Entrepreneurship Development (PPKK) unit, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina SE., M.Si. (Photo: Nabila Amelia)
A lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Airlangga , and coordinator for entrepreneurship in the Center for Career and Entrepreneurship Development (PPKK) unit, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina SE., M.Si. (Photo: Nabila Amelia)

UNAIR NEWS – Like a lump of sugar surrounded by ants. The parable seems right to describe the situation in last Ramadan. It seems to be the right moment for a number of people to start or develop their business.  

“Ramadhan is a magnet for people to use it as a business activity, from ta’jil, pastries, catering, fashion, to travel agents. It is in any field “said the lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina SE., M.Si.

It is common to happen because the demand for products during fasting month increases compared to other months. The young people start to be interested to act as competitors in economic sector. They also target the surrounding environment and introduce a variety of unique products to attract buyers.

“There are a lot of business types during Ramadhan. Therefore, a unique trait is needed, both in the form of innovation in products, services, and facilities, ” stated the woman who has published a book entitled Entrepreneurship in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Although it is very potential, starting a business in Ramadan still requires a strategy. They cannot just follow the trend. In fact, it will be very profitable if it is continued in the future. Several stages must be considered by business actors, such as finding out what consumers want, doing the introduction or promotion stage and finally the product enhancement process.

“Don’t make too short introduction, then the enhancement is forced. If necessary, give a promotion, bonus or voucher, approximately for one to two months. Also calculate the price and risk, ”said the entrepreneurship development coordinator at UNAIR Career and Skills Development Center (PPKK).

Dr. Siwi also revealed the methods that have been used by the millennial generation in managing their business, which is through promotional content and fake accounts. The goal is to encourage the buyer and classify the product according to its type.

“You can also make a group chat or “pool”. So, buyers are grouped in one container on social media based on the products they like. Then, we carry out promotions there, “explained the member of Indonesian Management Forum (FMI) association.

She advised students and entrepreneurs who had just started their businesses to continue to learn and gain insight and if necessary, find a mentor. Meanwhile, for those who have been in business, it is the phase to further develop the products. And, the most important thing is trying to maintain commitment, as well as focus.

“Commitment to entrepreneurship should not only be seen when money is returned. There must be a clear boundary and division, you are not alone, motivate yourself and expand networking. We should not rush trying other businesses,” she stated. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i