Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FEB lecturer’s tips for finance management and stock investment

Illustration: bisnis.com
Illustration: bisnis.com

UNAIR NEWS – At the moment, stock investment is in great demand by the public. A lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, SE, CIFP., see this as something positive. The stock trend, according to the lecturer known well as Puji, indirectly shows people’s interest in the capital market. Therefore, people can become part of large companies that go public and get benefits in the form of dividends and capital gains from the stock investment they made.

“The stock trend can also serve as an education for the public that saving can not only be done by depositing money in a bank,” she explained.

According to the lecturer who was born in Gresik, there is high interest in stocks compared to other forms of investment because stocks are an investment with long-term financial planning. With good stock management skills, Puji said that someone can get high profits.

“However, people who want to invest in stocks must know the risk and return that will be obtained because this investment is classified as high risk,” she emphasized.

Seeing this, Puji provides some tips for beginners who want to invest on stocks. First, potential investors must carry out a fundamental check on the company. It can be done by looking at the company’s reputation and financial reports. Furthermore, potential investors must choose stocks that are actively traded by looking at the list of stocks included in JII or LQ45. The third tip, according to the lecturer in the Islamic Capital Market subject, is to conduct technical analysis, by looking at historical stock price trends.

“Finally, to make it easier for us to choose which stocks, we can buy stocks whose products we use ourselves,” she explained.

Furthermore, Puji explained that stock market prices often fluctuate due to various factors, both internal factors and macroeconomic conditions. Therefore, she said that investors need to have good management before choosing the type of stock. First, if the risk comes from internal companies, investors can minimize it by investing in various stocks that have different characteristics or sectors. Second, investors can choose stocks that are durable or stable, in case there are shocks to macro conditions.

“For example, in the current pandemic conditions, stocks in companies in the consumer goods, pharmaceuticals and mining sectors are in great demand,” she added.

Furthermore, Puji also emphasized that finance management is important so that you can consistently save in stocks every month. According to her, this management can be done by using a percentage to set aside money for savings. The lecturer born on December 21, 1984, gave an example, each month someone can divide his income by 30 percent to pay obligations or installments, 2.5 percent for zakat, 50 percent for daily needs, 7.5 percent for entertainment, and 10 percent for savings.

“Such percentages can be adjusted to the needs of each individual. The main thing is to be consistent and discipline in saving every month and understand the benefits of saving, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria