Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FEB Student Participates on 2019 Porprov Competition

ALVREDO Satriawan Singgih, winner of 3rd place in Chess Team Sports Branch in East Java Porprov IV held at Angling Dharma Hall of Bojonegoro Regency Government on July 12. (Photo: Courtesy)
ALVREDO Satriawan Singgih, winner of 3rd place in Chess Team Sports Branch in East Java Porprov IV held at Angling Dharma Hall of Bojonegoro Regency Government on July 12. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – One more achievement that was successfully carved by Airlangga Knights. This time the achievement came from Alvredo Satriawan Singgih, a student from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) majoring in Accounting at Universitas Airlangga.

Alvredo or often called Aldo managed to win a bronze medal at 2019 Provincial East IV (Porprov) Sports Week in Bojonegoro for Team Chess sports. The achievement was officially announced on Thursday, July 11.

“Of course, I’m proud and happy to raise my city into the spotlight with other cities,” said the student born in Bojonegoro, January 25, 2000.

“In addition, I’m happy to make proud of my parents, friends and loved ones,” he added.

In the competition attended by professional athletes from various cities in East Java, Aldo admitted that his struggle during the competition was very tight. “I need a strategy to defeat other participants,” he said.

Besides, Aldo and other athletes must attend regular training in Bojonegoro every weekend. For three months, he had to go back and forth from Surabaya to Bojonegoro.

(Far right) ALVREDO Satriawan Singgih, winner of the third place in Chess Sports Team Branch in East Java Porprov IV while participating in the fast chess team competition in Semarang in July 2019. (Photo: Courtesy)
(Far right) ALVREDO Satriawan Singgih, winner of the third place in Chess Sports Team Branch in East Java Porprov IV while participating in the fast chess team competition in Semarang in July 2019. (Photo: Courtesy)

Furthermore, Aldo revealed that he was not overwhelmed by time. Although he has to go back and forth to Surabaya-Bojonegoro every weekend. “I’m not really busy. Sometimes, there are music and chess events,” concluded Aldo who is also a pianist from Expresso, FEB band.

Besides, he began to play chess since the fourth grade of elementary school. Thus, began to make achievements.

Furthermore, Aldo had won first three years in the first place at Bojonegoro Regency Chess Competition. Precisely in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Third place in National Student Sports Olympiad (O2SN) at East Java Province in 2016. Rank IV Chess Competition in East Java Province in 2017. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i