UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Faculty of Law delegation succeeded in winning the trophy “Spirit of the Jessup Award” in Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. The event held in Universitas Indonesia (UI) from January 29 to January 31, 2016 was a competition of court simulations. It was an international prestigious event. Participants from eighty countries attended the event.
There are always representatives from top universities in the world such as Harvard and Cambridge. There is a national round system in each country but it still involves international elements. There are judges from Foreign Council, International Law Firm, International Organization and Candidate Doctor.
“Spirit of the Jessup Award” is an award given to the team with some excellences such as deemed good substantially; memorial and pleading score are also pleasing. Even though they failed to be in the Big Four, this achievement is quite making them proud. Previously, FH has also received “Spirit of The Moot Award” in IHL which was also a part of Moot Court Competition on humanitarian law.
These achievements were proofs of the International Moot Court Community (IMCC) team’s quality which was established in 2013 by Esty Hayudewanti RK, Yanuar Pribadhie, Gita Nurina and Edwin Adrian. The training regime of the team cooperated with the Alumni of foreign law firm had its part in improving the quality and mentality of the members. They are then facilitated to compete in some competitions.
In the event of Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, there were four oralists from FH, Jasmine (2013), Fitri Nuril (2012), Mutiara Kasih (2014) and Adhika Ranuh (2014). All oralists were assisted by a researcher each. They were Chessa (2013), Zulfikar (2015), Bima Adhijoso (2015) and Dewi Santoso (2015). The team coaches were Esty Hayudewanti RK and DR. Intan Suparna.
At least UNAIR had faced down four campus teams, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Universitas Tarumanegara (Untar) , Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) and Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Jakarta. Against USU, UNTAR and UII, UNAIR succeeded in winning and received 3 Victory Point. But unfortunately, they lost against UPH. But, the margin between UNAIR and the annual champion was narrow. Overall, UNAIR was in the sixth place.
This success was of the Dean and Vice Dean FH UNAIR supports, also from all lecturers and alumni of International Law Department especially Andi Akhirah and Yanuar Pribadi, associates at Makarim Taira S. Law Firm, and Johaness C. Sahetapy-Engel, partner AKSET Law Firm and Jeffry Senduk , the foreign council of Makarim Taira S. Law Firm. (*)
Author: Aulia Intani
Editor: Rio F. Rachman