
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Fight for the Fate of 500 KPPS, BEM SI East Java Holds Peaceful Action

UNAIR NEWS – Dozens of students from the alliance of the All Indonesia East Java Student Executive Board (BEM SI JATIM) held Call for Peace Action: The Spirit of Unity for Ideal Democracy on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. Around 80 students gathered for a peaceful protest at the complex of Dr. Soetomo and Tugu Pahlawan memorial park in front of East Java Governor’s Office.
Head of BEM UNAIR Agung Tri Putra revealed that the background of the peaceful action was to commemorate National Awakening Day. The commemoration of the National Awakening Day was carried out by conducting a memorial service on the tomb of Dr. Soetomo.
“Peaceful means not disturbing public order, bringing a positive narrative, building Indonesia in the future and not aiming to divide the Indonesian people,” he said.
Agung said that after the memorial service, it was continued with a peaceful protest with two sessions. They marched from the tomb of Dr. Soetomo to the East Java Governor’s Office.
Then the students were given the stage to deliver orations on national unity as a solidarity for the deaths of 500 KPPS in Indonesia. “This action aims to voice the unity of Indonesia and the peaceful action of solidarity over the deaths of over 500 KPPS during the election,” he explained.
Agung hoped that after the peaceful protest Indonesia would become a better country and the rights of KPPS who passed away can also be fulfilled immediately.
“I hope the state will thoroughly investigate the causes of death and provide compensation for the families of victims,” ​​he said.
Agung also encouraged students to always be ready leading the movements. Students must guard the country and provide the best for the life of the nation in the future.
“National awakening is not merely about politics, but Indonesia as a whole,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Sandi Prabowo
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia