
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

First Anniversary, Rector Hoped PKPB UNAIR Be Legal Entity

UNAIR NEWS – Simplicity does not lessen the festivity. It was reflected from the first anniversary of Retiree Association (PKPB) Universitas Airlangga, Sunday, April 1, 2018.

The anniversary was held at the residence of a member and it was also attended by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., and Director of UNAIR Human Resources Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, SS., M.Hum. Ustadz K.H. Misbahul Munir was also present to give sermon on “Tips for Living in Retirement”.

There was “Lobster Turmeric Rice” slicing by Head of PKPB Dra. Kusmawati. The first slice was given to the Rector but by Prof. Nasih it was handed back to Sunarti, S.Sos., the former Head of UNAIR Human Resources and Finance Bureau.

Before the speech, Rector and Director of Human Resources UNAIR listened to the impressions of three members of PKPB. The three men are Ratnaningsih, Hesty, and Susetyono. They stated the presence of PKPB is very positive, so it is necessary to make it a legal entity.

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UNAIR Rector Prof. M. Nasih speaks in the first anniversary of PKPB, Sunday, 1 April 2018. (Photo: By Courtesy)

Therefore, in his speech, the Rector Prof. Nasih also expected PKPB to be a legal entity such as a cooperative so they can participate in the activities organized by the university. For example, it can provide some needs in graduation activities, new student admissions ceremony, and so on.

The Director of Human Resources Dr. Purnawan Basundoro also wanted PKPB to have bylaws (AD / ART) which after being discussed in detail, it was also approved by all members. This AD / ART will be used as a guideline of organizational management rules, so it can be used as a basis for activities. In addition, with the existence of AD / ART and legal status, university trust to PKPB UNAIR will also improve.

“So if there are UNAIR employees who enter the retirement age, they can be trusted directly to PKPB UNAIR,” said Purnawan Basundoro.

In principle, both the Rector and the Director of Human Resources appreciated the existence of PKPB UNAIR, because it can unite the former employees of UNAIR, so that in the old days, they can still stay in touch periodically and to bring benefits to the community through social services, providing humanitarian assistance to victims of a natural disaster, etc.

“Alhamdulillah, the 1st anniversary of PKPB UNAIR ran smoothly, lively and successful,” said Head of PKPB Dra. Kusmawati in his speech.

On that occasion, Head of PKPB UNAIR also expressed his gratitude to the members who have always been passionate in doing activities and devoted their resources.

“After being used for various activities, PKPB cash until the end of March 2018 is Rp 3,781,250,” added Mrs. Wati.

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Director of Human Resources UNAIR Dr. Purnawan Basundoro speaks to PKPB members and hopes PKPB bylaws formulated. (Photo: By Courtesy)

Apparently, some members were impressed with the anniversary of PKPB sponsored by a herbal medicine company as they compared it with before the establishment of PKPB. comparing from previously no organizing of full-time duties, with after PKPB.

“I cannot forget it, I cannot express it, and I cannot ignore it. I can only remember how wonderful the friendship in PKPB UNAIR first anniversary, ” said someone.

“Oh God give us the opportunity and guidance to always be grateful for the blessings and grace. Give us excellence in our religion, our world, and our afterlife. Amiin Amiin Amiin, ” the prayers of the members of PKPB. The event ended with a door prize drawing. (*)

Author: Bambang Bes