Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FISIP Holds African Day with African Students

A total of 17 African students participated in celebrating African Day, which was held at FISIP UNAIR on Thursday, October 31. (M. Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – In the framework of the 42nd Anniversary, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga held an African Day. The commemoration was a form of FISIP’s appreciation for African students and raising public awareness, especially UNAIR students, regarding Indonesia-Africa cooperation.

Unlike last year, FISIP held African Day through Center for African Studies (PUSAF) for the first time and the event took place on Thursday, October 31.

“In their country (Africa, ed) there is an African Day commemoration and it also increases their nationalism,” said Dr. Pinky Saptandari Head of PUSAF UNAIR.

This year, African Day carried the theme of “The relation Indonesia-Africa Cooperation.” The event opened with a seminar and cultural exhibition. This seminar led by Dr. Desra Percaya as Director-General of Asia-Pacific and Africa at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia. On that occasion, he discussed Indonesia’s perspective on Indonesian-African relations.

The second speaker was Ir. Lenywati DIPL, CIDESCO, as Head of Indonesia-Africa Trade Forum. She discussed the issue of Indonesian-African trade relations. The last speaker, Dr. phil Siti Rokhmawati Susanto from PUSAF UNAIR. She explained the economic, social and cultural perspectives of Africa and focused on African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA).

Silas Emovwodo, master student in Media and Communication at FISIP UNAIR said that he was happy with this event. He even invited some of his African students to study in Surabaya.  

“We enjoyed the event and all of UNAIR students can learn and get to know with some of African students in here. Thus, we can share our culture, “Silas said.

Silas Emovwodo, a master student of Media and Communication from FISIP UNAIR, attended African Day at FISIP on Thursday, October 31. (Photo: M. Alif Fauzan)

Moreover, there was discussion and movie screening of Lion Hearth film. The event was attended by FISIP students, African students at UNAIR, and African students spread across various universities in Surabaya.

Besides, there are more than 30 students currently studying in UNAIR. There are studying in undergraduate program (S1), master program (S2), and doctoral program  (S3). (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh