
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Five Programs To Get Ready for ASIIN International Accreditation

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga is making preparations for ASIIN (Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics/Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics) international accreditation. The five programs preparing are Undergraduate program of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Apothecary Education.

To prepare for the accreditation visitation in November 2017, Board of Quality Assurance UNAIR invited Dr. Iring Wasser, Managing Director of ASIIN.

“As planned, the visitation is in March 2018 but they asked to have it sooner. Based on their assessment, UNAIR is ready for visitation in November 2017. But it depends on the program preparedness,” said Helmy Yusuf, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of ASIIN Accreditation Committee UNAIR.

The preparation of accreditation was attended by the officials and staff of the programs to be accredited. Helmy said that last April each program has sent their curriculum documents use for the initial assessment.

ASIIN Accreditation Urgency

ASIIN accreditation is needed to make sure the graduates produced by UNAIR acknowledged by the world. The trend shows that with ASIIN accreditation, the graduates are undoubtedly excellent either who continue their studies or start their careers at international level. There will be 12 German assessors for the visitation in November.

Meanwhile, beside the preparation for ASIIN, there are other ongoing accreditations in UNAIR such as The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization (ABEST21) and ASEAN University Networking-Quality Assessment (AUN-QA).

“In science there is ASIIN from Germany, in social economics there is ABEST21 from Japan. We have been accredited A and we aim for AUN certification. After AUN we will aim for international accreditation,” added Helmy.

Dr., Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si, MSi., Apt. Vice Dean I of Faculty of Pharmacy  said that at the moment her team  is making preparation for ASIIN accreditation such as Self Assessment Report (SAR), module handbook, staff handbook, content and interface of website.

“We hope there is support from the university especially on the course monitoring system, so the program can focus on their own preparation, supports on the facility or website update. So if we have been accredited by ASIIN, internationalization program and UNAIR goal towards Top 500 World can be achieved,” said Riesta. (*)

Author : Binti Q. Masruroh

Editor    : Nuri Hermawan