UNAIR NEWS – Selection of Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an Student (MTQM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) was done smoothly on Sunday, March 18. The winners from each category have also been announced. Faculty of Medicine (FK) came out as the grand champion of MTQM UNAIR 2018 replacing Faculty of Science and Technology which last year in the first position. This year, FST must be satisfied with second place, followed by Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) which is ranked third.
In these activities, there are 12 categories contested, In these activities, there are 12 categories, Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran, Musabaqah Tartilil Quran, Musabaqah Hifzhil Quran 3 juz, Musabaqah Hifzhil Quran 5 juz, Musabaqah Hifzhil Quran 10 juz, Musabaqah Fahmil Quran, Musabaqah Syahril Quran, Musabaqah Khaththil Quran, Musabaqah Al-Quran Scientific Writing, Al-Quran Scientific Debate in Arabic, Al-Quran Scientific Debate in English, and Musabaqah Al-Quran Computer App Development.
From the 12 branches, FK won in five categories, 1st Place in English Debate, 1st Place in Arabic Debate, 2nd Place in Men Tartil, 2nd Place in Tahfidz 10 Juz, and 3rd Place of Men Khaththil Qur’an.
Setiawan Khaiz as one of the winners of MTQM Khaththil Qur’an, representatives of FK did not think that his faculty could become the grand champion as FK is not a faculty with a strong Islamic background.
“I remember the principle of mustahil aqli in Tauhid lesson. It is an impossible or illogical case, FK who does not have a strong religious background, with the will and permission of Allah FK can be the overall champion. We should be grateful, “said the alumni of Al-Anwar Sarang Islamic Boarding House.
Two years in a row winning the 3rd place in Khaththil Qur’an, the man with glasses claimed to have special preparations to face MTQM UNAIR this year. Although in his activities as medical student he still takes the time to practice intensively.
“The preparation is just buying equipment, plan a design what would be made for the competition, and often practice writing calligraphy to memorize the rules of its forms,” ​​he said.
The man born in 1998 did not forget to share tips to become the overall champion of the competition, especially MTQM. First, a serious intention, not just idly follow the competition. Second, prepare the material ahead of time and often practice in order to have good mental readiness. Furthermore, the participants must have ambitions and targets, in order to be more well-motivated.
“And most importantly is prayer, because the effort without prayer is arrogance. And ask the blessing of parents and teachers or lecturers, ” he said.
Wawan hoped with the success of FK in becoming the grand champion of MTQM UNAIR 2018, other students will be inspired to compete in goodness and deepen the religion during college.
Meanwhile, Achmad Shiddiq Ali Madurijal as the coordinator of MTQM UNAIR 2018 event said that the determination of grand champion can be a motivation for the winners to immerse themselves in studying Qur’an or preparing MTQM next year.
The participants who have not been winners still have the opportunity to become UNAIR delegates in regional and national MTQM by following special selection and coaching intensively.
“So do not be discouraged and keep trying earnestly,” said the student from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).
Shiddiq also revealed that the future of the committee will focus on coaching to prepare UNAIR delegates for MTQM Jember which will be held around July 2018.
At the end, as the coordinator of the committee he apologized for any shortcomings during the MTQM UNAIR selection.
“In the future we will be better at preparing MTQM,” he said. (*)
Author: Alif Wahyu
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh