UNAIR NEWS – Knights of Airlangga once again have made an achievement. Eight of Faculty of Medicine (FK UNAIR) students, UNAIR delegation in Siriraj International Medical Microbiology, Parasitology, and Immunology Competition (SIMPIC) 2016 in Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand were among the winners and medal receivers at individual category.
At SIMPIC 2016 which was held on March 18-21, FK UNAIR sent two teams of four each. The first team were Alvin Saputra, Kharis Lazuardi, Nafis Audrey, and Anas Jatikusuma who have won the fourth place (third runner up) and the second team were Winanda Denis Kurniawan, Winson Chuanardi, Boby Pratama Putra, and Gideon Thurman Nababan who made it to the semifinals.
Eventhough only a semifinalist, two members of the second team, Winanda Denis Kurniawan and Winson Chuanardi, were able to get individual achievements. In the event followed by 53 teams, Winanda got a silver medals and Winson got bronze medal.
“Our target was to get individual medals and be the winners in group category. Alhamdulilah both were achieved, said Kharis Lazuardi.
These achievements, added Kharis, were from hardwork. With the other delegation members, he had made a preparation since November last year. They trained to complete questions tested for SIMPIC and received guidance from lecturers of FK UNAIR who were experts on microbiology, parasitology and immunology.
“SIMPIC 2016 was an unforgettable experience for us. We got knowledge, friendship, and culture from the event,” said Kharis and expected the delegation next year will carry on the achievements.
FK UNAIR has a winning tradition in this kind of event. Last year, FK UNAIR delegation were Nadhya Nur Fitri, Hening Tahniatul, Caesario Tri Prasetyo and Erika Hokky Djakaria achieved second place in this competition. (*)
Author : Yeano Andhika