UNAIR NEWS – One other academic achievement made by Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). In medical education professional competence test (UKMPPD) held in May 2016, FK UNAIR students passing rate reached 98%. Therefore, 136 new doctors were conferred by Dean of FK UNAIR on Wednesday, July 27.
“It was a significant improvement of passing rate, more than other universities,” said Dean of FK UNAIR Prof. Dr. Soetojo, dr., Sp.U., in his address during the students’ conferment in FK Hall UNAIR, Jl. Prof. Dr. Moestopo Surabaya.
Attended in the conferment, Vice Rector III UNAIR Prof. M. Amin Alamsyah, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D., Vice Director of RSUD Dr. Soetomo Dr. Bangun Trapsila Purwaka, Sp.OG (K)., M.Kes., Director of RS UNAIR Prof. Dr. Nasronuddin, dr., Sp.PD-KPTI., former deans of FK and vice deans.
UKMPPD is the last test every students of Faculty of Medicine (FK) who have completed all courses in medical profession education. In UKMPPD there are two kinds of test Computer Based Test (CBT) with 200 questions in 200 minutes, and Objective Structure Clinical Examination (OSCE) questions of 12 stations which have to be finished in 15 minutes each station.
This significant improvement on UKMPPD result, as the Dean encouraged, should be maintained in the future. This kind of achievements are also expected from the new doctors during internship as the process of quality reinforcement of professional doctors to implement competence synchronization achieved during study with the practice in the field.
“In the internship, you have to collaborate, communicate well with colleagues, medical staff, employees and the management. Furthermore, don’t forget to keep learning and consult seniors as learning process never ends,” said the Professor of Urology FK UNAIR.
Vice Rector III UNAIR Prof. M Amin Alamsyah who read official address of UNAIR Rector said that the graduates after this proceeding should soon work in the society as well as gain reputation for the alma mater. As scholars, doctors should be able to bring usefulness for others.
“The challenge will always come, more and more, that’s for sure. Therefore we must face them wisely by active contribution in solving the problems in efforts to realize healthy society. So don’t stop learning as the community also expect more improvements,” said Prof. Moh Amin Alamsyah.
Vice Director of RSUD Dr. Soetomo Bangun, Trapsila Purwaka, dr., Sp.OG (K)., M.Kes., also encouraged the graduates to immediately do their internship, finish it and be the real doctors so they can serve the society to build healthcare as we all expect.
From all the encouragements, dr. Moh Edwin Prasetyo, representing the other graduates, expressed their gratitude for all the teachings and encouragements given.
“We will always hold the doctor’s codes of ethic until the end, as there is a big responsibility as a doctor. For that, we expect supports and prayers to be good and ideal doctors,” said Edwin.
Edwin also said that they realized that medicine is a developing science. Therefore they are aware that they are expected to keep learning to update their knowledge so they finally can provide excellent service to the society. (*)
Author: Bambang Bes