Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FKH students gain experience through internships

FKH UNAIR Banyuwangi students in an internship activities. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The rapid development of science and information technology in various fields, especially in efforts to create a prosperous society, Indonesia must be able to face various global challenges. These fundamental challenges require efforts to improve economic efficiency, labor productivity, the quality of natural and human resources, education and maximum contribution in building facilities and infrastructure for the community.

The world of veterinary medicine is very broad, from animal health, animal husbandry to veterinary public health, including the diverse animal species handled by veterinary professionals. In the future, veterinarians are expected to be more careful in maximizing their potential in the community.

As a form of preparation, early on, veterinary students must know this. The term’s holiday is a great opportunity for veterinary students of Universitas Airlangga. Many things can be done to use their time well, such as having an internship.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS, Moh. Arif Ma’ruf as Head the PSDKU Veterinary Student Association (HMKH) in Banyuwangi 2020 said that an internship is an important process for students to interact directly in the field and recognize the work environment of veterinarians. In this case, HMKH through the Student Human Resource Development (PSDM) division facilitates students who wanted to do an internship.

“Recommended firms in accordance with student interests for internships, the process of submitting proposals and Internship Reports (LPJ) are forms of facilities we provide to internship students,” said the 2017 student.

Many places can be chosen by students for internships, students can choose according to their interests and talents, from state agencies, large, small, and poultry livestock companies, laboratories, clinics and many more.

The student known well as Ayik said that there are many things we can get during the internship process. Knowledge and experience during an internship can be used later in the professional world. Sometimes in the field we find things that have never been learned in lectures, so it becomes a valuable lesson during an internship. One thing that is no less important is building network and relations with new people, how to hone our soft skills, how to socialize with new people, and we are required to work in teams.

“My own experience, students who have attended internships are far more proactive in their studies compared to students who have never taken internships,” he said. “Internships do not necessarily make us smart, but use internships to form a strong foundation to be smart,” he concluded.

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan