UNAIR NEWS – The issue of sanitation in Indonesia is still unresolved due to limited understanding of proper sanitation systems and obstacles to obtaining access to healthy latrines in some communities. As a result, several new problems arise such as environmental pollution, decreased quality of life, the spread of infectious diseases, and even early childhood death.
In this regard, efforts to disseminate information regarding sanitation management to the community was made. One of them is through a community service program initiated by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in various residential areas in Surabaya. The program was carried out in 2017 and will continue from August to October this year.
“Previously, the target of this program was the community in Kedung Baruk, Rungkut District. This year, it will be held in Jagir Wonokromo. In our search, there are 11 neighborhoods with poor communities. They live in a part of land that belongs to the Railroad Bureau Company (PJKA) which is densely populated, “explained the person in charge of the program, Prof. Dr. Herry Agoes Hermadi drh., M.Si.
All this time, continued Prof. Herry, there are still many people who defecate around the railroad tracks, small streams, or other places carelessly (open defection). In order to reduce this bad habit, the community service team initiated a program to disseminate the creation of private latrines as well as the use of fermentol which is a stool crushing product without producing odor from cow rumen isis extracts.
“There are seven criteria in making healthy latrines, e.g. it does not pollute the water, does not pollute the surface soil, free of insects, does not cause odor and is comfortable, safe, easy to clean, and does not bring negative views. Moreover, we also provide education and monitoring to the communities,” he said.
Prof. Herry explained that this program would be carried out by involving all local communities, from its dissemination, processing cattle rumen from slaughterhouses to be used as fermentol, to the practice of making healthy latrines. In the program, he also involved some related parties such as students, UNAIR Community Service Institution (LPM), government institutions and the private sector.
“One of the parties involved in this community service was Mr. Koen Irianto Uripan, a Ph.D. student from UNAIR Human Resource Development (PSDM). He is the chairman and founder of Indonesian Sanitation Management and Empowerment Association (APPSANI), ” said Prof. Herry introducing Koen Irianto Uripan.
Koen then explained that everyone has the financial capacity to make healthy and adequate toilets. As activist of sanitation, he wanted to participate in the reduction of open defecation. It is realized through the latrine installment business for the poor.
“So, this is a sociopreneur business that I pioneered with my wife since 2011. Every month, customers only need to pay an installment of Rp. 226,000 for six months. People only need to show the requirements, at least a resident card and family card. In order to lower production costs, we buy materials and tools directly from producers in large quantities, “he explained.
He also added the education method on healthy latrines through teaching aids to attract people to recognize healthy lifestyles. By making healthy latrines, people’s behavior in preserving the environment and maintaining health can be improved. Moreover, Koen emphasized that the community service program and its business could improve the income of builders and construction material shops. (*)
Author: Nabila Amelia
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia