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FKM UNAIR Lecturers Become Speakers on World No Tobacco Day Press Conference

During Press Conference with the speakers while explaining the material. (Photo: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah)
During Press Conference with the speakers while explaining the material. (Photo: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah)

UNAIR NEWS – World No Tobacco Day (HTTS) celebrated on May 31, Tobacco Control Support Center (TCSC) Indonesian Public Health Association (IAKMI) East Java held a press conference. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR lecturers as the speaker participated in press conference session.

World No Tobacco Day Press Conference took the theme ” Sayangi Parumu dan Sekitarmu, Sukseskan Perda KTR Surabaya dan Jawa Timur” was held on Friday, May 31 at Sabdoadi Hall, 1st floor, FKM UNAIR, Campus C.

The press conference is made for society education through media about the importance of maintaining health from smoking and the success of Surabaya Perda KTR (Tobacco Free Area Regional Policy) which renewed in 2019. Moreover, the event also discussed the relevance of policies on smoking with WTA (World Tobacco Asia) and it will be held in Surabaya.

Therefore, the event also invited related speakers, Dr. Santi Martini dr., M. Kes., (Vice Dean 1 of FKM UNAIR), Kurnia Dwi Artanti, dr., M.Sc. (FKM UNAIR lecturer), Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo S.KM., M.Kes. (FKM UNAIR lecturer), and Hario Megatsari, S.KM., M.Kes. (FKM UNAIR lecturer), as well as moderator Dr. Sri Widati, S.Sos., M.Si, (lecturer at FKM UNAIR). In addition, the four speakers also joined East Java TCSC IAKMI team.

Moreover, the smoking prevalence in school-age adolescents or 10-18 years of age has increased according to the latest Basic Health Research (Riskesdas). The percentage of adolescent smoking behavior in 2018 Riskesdas was 9.1 percent, up from 2013 Riskesdas, which was 7.2 percent. This figure is still far from the target of National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), which 5.4 percent.  

Following TCSC team represented by Santi ( of TCSC East Java) said the smoking prevalence rate is still far from the target, besides the low price of cigarettes, there are still many policies that are incoherent with government target. Therefore, TCSC strengthens the autonomy owned by the regional government (Pemda), one of which is KTR.

Ilham explained Regional Regulation KTR number 2 of 2019 had been updated, which initially the number 5 KTR Perda of 2008. Focusing on the location and definition of cigarettes, Ilham said KTR Perda function is protective and educative policy.

“There are two functions of Regional Regulation on KTR, namely as a protective and educative policy,” he said.

Supporting Ilham’s statement, Kurnia also added Regional Regulation on KTR had been officially approved by East Java Provincial Health Office following RI Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning in Health. Kurnia also said Regional Regulation on KTR is the stage of socialization, especially in target areas of TCSC East Java.

“The Regional Regulation on KTR is now in the stage of socialization, especially in target areas of TCSC East Java. We do socialization at health center, but we also invite other related sectors in the city, “he said.

Besides, KTR Surabaya Regional Regulation has just been ratified, but in 2019, October 16-17, WTA will be held again in Surabaya, precisely in one of the shops. The WTA is also different from Perda that have been ratified previously.

Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i