
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FKp UNAIR Targets Lecturers to Achieve Professorship

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga is targeted to be one of the top universities in Top 500 World ranks. Therefore, the effort of synergy from each faculty to play a role in fulfilling that goal is needed, especially in conducting scientific publications.

For this reason, each faculty must promote a lot of research-based programs. One of them is Faculty of Nursing, UNAIR, which invited adjunct professors on August 13-16. The adjunct professor was Prof. Dr. Khatijah Binti Abdullah from Nursing Program Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya.

“In 3 days, Prof. Khatijah will conduct manuscript consultations for lecturers and hold lectures for S2 and S3 FKp UNAIR students, “said Ika Nur Pratiwi, S.Kep., Ns, M.Kep, as a lecturer in Medical Surgical Nursing.

Ika Nur said that this year the lecturers are required to do at least 3 scientific publications indexed by Scopus or published to international journals. Therefore, the adjunct professor program will focus on manuscript consultation. The guest lecture was held twice on August 15-16. Previously, Prof. Khatijah had visited as adjunct professor in early July, it was her second time visit to FKp UNAIR.

“The guest lecture will discuss 2 topics. The first topic discusses leadership and clinical leadership then the second is an introduction methodology of research qualitative and quantitative, “said Ika Nur.

Ika also said that FKp UNAIR had received full approval from Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) in affiliating. As planned, FKp UNAIR will initiate the adjunct professor program to La Trobe University in Australia, National Cheng Kung University, and Naresuan University in Thailand.

“Affiliation will continue to be done considering FKp UNAIR is targeting a minimum 3 lecturers to achieve professorship. There is still 1 lecturer with professorship. We hope that the affiliation will pay off, “said Ika Nur.

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Nuri Hermawan