Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Focus on education and preserve the environment with Bidikmisi UNAIR

The atmosphere in classrooms with children. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Several Bidikmisi students at Universitas Airlangga held community service in Dsn. Suwaloh Ds. Talunrejo Kec. Bluluk Kab. Lamongan. The event was a realization of the value of Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

AUBMO community service activity has been running for seven years is called Bidikmisi Community Service Camp. The activity was carried out for five days, on January 27 besides that, the community service was held three years earlier in Lamongan.

2020 Devotion Camp carried the theme “Together with Bidikmisi Develop Insights, Preserve the Environment”. Various programs have been launched by AUBMO students such as teaching, fun exercise, community health checks, animal feed manufacturing, waste management and programs.

Mustain Naufal as Head of the devotion camp explained the focus of teaching there was moral education teaching.

“Explaining good behaviour material related to morals,” said Mustain.

Besides elementary school students from grades 1-6 who have around 33 students learn to visualize their dreams by conveying their ideas in front of the committee and then documented in videos. In the evening, there were Koran study session and discussion of several subjects in school.

“Their enthusiasm is extraordinary. Several students even came after the event finished, “he said.

Besides, one of them is Nature School, so the student explored the village and learned about the types and shapes of leaves around there. There were handwashing and teeth brushing practices.

Photo of the committee with Talunrejo 3 Lamongan Elementary School students. (Personal Doc.)

“Yesterday, the children picked up trash and sorted according to type, some were organic and inorganic, and final disposal site was built in school. The goal is children can understand the types of waste and how to process it, “said FEB student.

The village is famous for its commodity green beans and bananas. On that occasion, the committee invited women from the village for cooking competition and provided knowledge to process the commodity.

Mustain hoped that the knowledge delivered is beneficial to the community as well as children can instil values ​​that will improve the education quality in Suwaloh Hamlet. (*)

Author: R. Dimar Herfano Akbar

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh