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Food Management Revolution Needed to Support Food Security

PROF. Suwarno, M.Si., drh, from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) during Expert Discussion on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at Amerta Hall in Management Office Building.
PROF. Suwarno, M.Si., drh, from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) during Expert Discussion on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at Amerta Hall in Management Office Building. (Photo: Feri Fenoria Rifa'i )

UNAIR NEWS – The inevitable revolutionary era 4.0 requires the state to adapt as well as possible. The main thing that needs to be considered in intervening ongoing revolution 4.0 is the aspect of food or community needs.
As a response to this development, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) through Center for Information and Public Relations (PIH) initiated an expert discussion on Food Security to Support the Stability of State Security, Health and Economy. It was held on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at Amerta Hall in Management Office Building, Campus C UNAIR> The discussion presented three speakers.
The three speakers were Prof. Suwarno, M.Si., drh, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH); Prof. R. Bambang W, dr., MS., MCN., Ph.D., SpGK, Faculty of Public Health (FKM); and Dyah Wulan Sari, SE., M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D., Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). The discussion was very interesting and it was moderated by dr. Niken Sasadhara S., as the general practitioner of UNAIR Hospital.
Head of PIH UNAIR Dr. Suko Widodo in his opening remarks said that recently Indonesian people were preoccupied with election activities, as well as campaigns. A lot of energy has been spent on political narratives made by each side.
“Now it’s time to refocus on the food needs of our society,” he said.
“This is an important thing that must be considered because it is related to and affects the nutrition of the community. The abundant of food containing chemicals cannot be avoided and it also has negative effect in the future,” he added.
Therefore, said Dr. Suko, discussion about food in various perspectives is very important to have as there are many changes of food security patterns due to technological developments in Revolution 4.0 era.
In the discussion, the first speaker was Prof. Dr. Suwarno, M.Si., drh. He spoke about food from the field of livestock. According to Prof. Dr. Suwarno, people’s food consumption in Indonesia is largely taken from animals, such as poultry, goats and cows.
“Imports of animal food are quite high. However, East Java has the highest potential for livestock in Indonesia, “he said.
Then, for animal imports, high accuracy is needed from both the government and the private sector. However, experts in Indonesia has dealt with it by classifying animals to be imported.
“Because, there are some countries that we need to be aware of as their livestock is indicated by a virus,” he said.
Then, the second speaker, Prof. Bambang talked about food security and safety. Food security in Indonesia, he continued, must be properly considered. Because nowadays harmful food to health is spread widely.
Another problem faced is the quality of rice and unbalanced food distribution. In remote areas, food security or quality is usually vulnerable.
“There are 26 regencies in Indonesia that have low food security or quality,” he added.
Prof. Bambang also said that chemical dyes on the market are also very dangerous for health, they will bring a long-term effect that is quite dangerous. Students or community workers at this boarding house have high potential to be affected by the chemicals they consume from food because they are not careful.
“Therefore, in consuming food, we must consider the quality and remain careful to avoid all things unwanted and endangering health, “he said.
Then the last presentation was delivered by Dyah Wulan Sari regarding the economy and food security. She revealed that so far there are still many people playing with food prices. So the community’s ability to get food and nutrition is considered insufficient. For example, the rising price of chillies.
Various problems experienced by the community are quite complicated. The lack of information on the importance of education for every child results to low education rate.
“There are children who go to school but don’t get a diploma. They choose to drop out of school and decide to work due to the lack of knowledge on the importance of education, ” she concluded.
The education subsidy for schools is not on target because the subsidy is enjoyed by all members of community. Therefore, the economic disparity is still happening.
In addition to education, Dyah Wulan also highlighted economic problems in the poor family rice (RASKIN) policy which is enjoyed by not only enjoyed by the middle and lower classes, but also often misused by the middle and upper classes.
“Government policy in this case is not on target because the middle and upper class people can enjoy subsidy food, subsidized by the government, ” she added.
There are several ways to measure food security, food expenditure and food energy sufficiency based on the amount of food consumption divided by the number of energy sufficiency according to varied sexes and ages, ” she said. (*)
Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i