UNAIR NEWS – Last year, residents of Sampang Regency, Madura, experienced a clean water crisis. As a result, local people are forced to use dirty water obtained from Klampis Reservoir. They use dirty water for their daily needs, from bathing, washing, cooking, to drinking.
In response to the problem, three Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students, Nilna Maulida, English Language and Literature student, Husnul Hotimah, Islamic Economics student, and Widya Puspitasari, Biology students, took the initiative to anticipate a clean water crisis through a research in National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN) at Darussalam University of Gontor. Through the title ‘AENGUMAT: Optimizing Waqf through Halal Water Treatment by Utilizing Moringa Oliefera Seeds in Sampang Madura’, won 1st place and defeated 10 teams from various universities in Indonesia.
In the IESCO 2.0 competition, Nilna, one of the team members explained that their team focused on making halal water treatment in accordance with the MUI fatwa standard from the Klampis Reservoir. Halal water is one way to deal with the upcoming dry season, so citizens do not need to use dirty water anymore. Furthermore, she also added that the source of money for the development of halal water treatment comes from the community’s productive waqf.
“So in fact the main point is waqf, because we want to optimize waqf through halal treatment,” she explained.
Furthermore, in the competition held on Friday to Wednesday, January 7-11, 2020, Nilna admitted that she had experienced difficulties in their preparation for the competition. One of their members, Husnul, was conducting an exchange program in Malaysia.
“The three of us who come from different faculties find it difficult to meet because of each other’s activities. But Alhamdulillah we can still get maximum results even only though discussion via chatting app, “she said.
Finally, Nilna told me that this time LKTIN’s experience was different from before, because the IESCO was held at the Islamic Boarding School, so she and her two friends can feel the atmosphere of living in boarding schools. “So the competition is exclusive for female students, we cannot meet male except the ustadz. The atmosphere affected me until after the competition, I would feel shy if I met with a man, ” she concluded.
Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia