
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FSB FH UNAIR Invited to Legal Discussion on GNNT

UNAIR NEWS –Semi Autonomous Body (BSO) Business Studies Forum (FSB) Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga was invited by Business Law Community (BLC) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) for a legal discussion entitled “A New Era of GNNT (Non-Cash National Movement) Supervision: Consistency, Challenges, Opportunities ” on Tuesday, March 20. FSB and BLC is one of the local chapters in regional 3 with BLC Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya) under the auspices of National Business Law Community (NBLC) chaired by BLC Universitas Indonesia (UI).

In the legal discussion, the speakers were Dr. Reka Dewantara, S.H., M.H (UB lecturer) and Rini Mustikaningsih (head of payment system team, rupiah money management, service and administration KPW BI Malang). The discussion was followed by students, both from UB other invited representatives, as well as from universities around Malang.

“Yes, we came to respect the invitation of UB’s friends. In addition, this is the realm of business law. So, we are from the FSB which focuses in the related field, so we are very enthusiastic, “said Director of FSB Iqbal Zafran.

Iqbal added that the invitation was not the first time. Previously the FSB was invited in a legal discussion entitled “Law Enforcement: Specifically Sanction Determination and Handling Objections in the Capital Market Field”. In addition, the FSB itself once invited BLC UB.

“As far as I know, this is the second invitation since I joined the FSB last year. We were not only invited, but also invited. When we discussed the legal meeting with OJK and Bank Jatim, we invited our colleagues from regional 3. So, it has become a habit, “he said.

The first session discussed the GNNT program of electronification. There is an agenda of the role of Bank Indonesia in the payment system, the pillars of electronication, the electronics program, and the challenges in the implementation of electronification.

The next discussion was the national payment gateway, reviewing the terms in the payment system, the payment transaction flow using the card, as well as the party in the national payment gateway.

“Sure, we are very happy because we are invited. So, the relationship is good. Although we have different stewardship, the tradition is still the same. We also plan to invite UB BLC in the near future in connection with the programs of the FSB itself,” added the student of class 2015. (*)

Author: Pradita Desyanti

Editor: Feri Fenoria