
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FST Fast Track Program Shows Positive Trends

UNAIR NEWS – Chemistry Department, UNAIR Faculty of Science and Technology (FST UNAIR) started its fast track program. This program enable the students in Chemistry study program to get their S1(Bachelor) and S2 (Master) degrees in five years. This fast track program was the first in FST. It is an effort to accelerate students to get their master degree.

Dr. Purkan, M. Si, as thehead of Chemistry department explained that this program was opened to facilitate students with excellent academic performance. So they can learn fast and shorten their studies.

“Technically, in the seventh semester, S-1 students can take subjects of first semester master program. So S1 and S2 can be finished in only five years,” Purkan said on Tuesday January 25. “This program has already run for a semester. Six students enrolled for the program (taking first semester master program’s subjects) have shown excellent performances,” he said.

Purkan added that there are some academic requirements to join the program. The students must have done six semesters with total semester credit unit (SKS) at least 105 SKS with GPA higher than or equivalent to 3.51. Their Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) score should be higher than or equivalent to 475.

This program was also opened for chemistry students from another universities with some note, they have to be accredited A and the students are willing to have the classes at FST UNAIR and of course they have to meet the academic requirements. But, so far, the students were only from UNAIR only.

Fast track program provides more privileges for the students. They do not have to pay SOP fee in the first year of S2. Students only need to pay the SOP fee of the seventh and eighth semester of their S1 program.

Students’ first year performance in fast track program determines their continuity in the program. If GPA for 15 SKS of master (S2) program was only lower than 3.50, then they would be terminated from the program and directed to regular S2 program. This is implemented to ensure the quality of fast track program. They are expected to show excellent academic results. (*)

Author: Okky Putri Rahayu
Editor: Rio F. Rachman