UNAIR NEWS – Being away from the main campus does not stop Garuda Sakti (GS) Semi Autonomous Body (BSO) of Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi to encourage students making achievements. Despite being young BSO, GS PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi once sent his team to follow National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) held last year in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
To know various breakthroughs done by the BSO identical with the red jacket, UNAIR NEWS managed to meet Winda Kusuma Dewi as Deputy of GS PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, last March. To UNAIR NEWS, the student of Department of Veterinary Medicine class 2016 said that the students of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi have the same potentials with UNAIR Surabaya students. According to her, it can be seen from the number of PKM passing the stage of funding.
“In Banyuwangi, there is still a vast areas for our PKM object. It’s very interesting, especially when we have fresh ideas, “said Winda. “When we were monitored and evaluated by lecturers in Surabaya, they were surprised as there were many PSDKU students who qualify,” she added.
Besides being in charge of PKM affairs, added Winda, GS PSDKU also takes care of student achievements. It is different from BSO GS in Surabaya campus. The achievement division in GS PSDKU is meant to create a competitive climate among PSDKU students.
“This achievement division distinguishes us from GS of campus Surabaya. The purpose of this division is actually to encourage students to be interested in participating in various competitions, ” she explained.
Furthermore, the scholarship recipients from PT. The Pokphand asserted that the basis of the BSO GS PSDKU is science. In addition to encouraging other students to excel, it has become an obligation for all members of GS PSDKU to be outstanding students.
“We always emphasize to GS members, before inviting and encouraging others to make outstanding achievements, GS members must excel at first. And with our achievements, hopefully UNAIR’s reputation will be better, “said Winda.
Meanwhile, the Head of GS PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi Anjani Marisa Kartikasari said that in addition to taking care of PKM and student achievement, GS PSDKU also takes care of the selection process of Outstanding Student (mawapres).
Regarding mawapres, the Yogjakarta native explained that during this process of mawapres selection still stop at campus level. PSDKU’s mawapres cannot follow the competition to the next level.
“Therefore, this year we want our mawapres to be equal to represent the faculty on the main campus. The goal is to pass to the next level, “said Anjani.
Furthermore, she said that there are a lot of challenges in managing GS PSDKU, although, coordination is sometimes disturbed by the location of the campus which is not a single location.
“The location of campuses, being apart, sometimes makes us difficult to coordinate,” she said.
To manage the potential of its members and to explore the creativity and fresh ideas, she and the team often have relaxed discussion. It is very effective to generate ideas and creativity.
“Because GS focuses on science, we usually have relaxed meeting, not always in serious mood. The goal is to find creative ideas, ” she explained.
In addition, Anjani also mapped the potential of its members. For capable members, Anjani will invite them in the PKM division. Because, the PKM division is more challenging.
Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor: Feri Fenoria