UNAIR NEWS – GERMAS Gymnastics (Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat / Healthy Living Movement) opened the assessment visitation of Public Health Study Program of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi on the second day, Thursday, March 29. The gymnastic activity was aimed to promote in the success of GERMAS program among the academic community of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi.
The second day visit was attended by the same assessors, Dr. Dian Ayubi, SKM., M.QIH., from University of Indonesia and Dr. dra. Nur Endah Wahyuningsih, M.Kes., from Diponegoro University, Semarang. Meanwhile, from UNAIR, there were Dean of Faculty of Public Health UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Tri Martiana, dr., MS., Vice Dean I Dr. Santi Martini, dr., M.Kes., and Vice Dean II Dr. Thinni Nurul Rohmah, Dra., Head of Public Health Study Program PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, Dr. Mohammad Zainal Fatah, M.Si, and lecturers of PSDKU S1 Public Health program.
According to Muhammad Atoillah Isfandari dr., M. Kes, one of the lecturers of public health program PSDKU UNAIR explained that the second day accreditation was aimed to share same perceptions on some things that are considered necessary to be reconfirmed. In addition, he added, it was used to provide additional explanations and additional information to convince assessors on the achievements of PSDKU Public Health study program.
“Of course we hope that this accreditation visitation can produce optimal results as expected,” he said.
During the visitation, assessors also visited several facilities as supporting teaching and learning activities in the Public Health study program PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, such as Blambangan District Hospital owned by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency. At the review to RSUD Blambangan, the group of assessors accompanied by Vice Dean I FKM UNAIR and welcomed by Director of RSUD Blambangan dr. Taufik Hidayat, SpAnd., M.Kes.
On that occasion, Director of RSUD Blambangan dr. Taufik Hidayat, SpAnd., M. Kes., in his speech said that the visitation can give optimal result.
“The existence of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi is the hope of government and society of Banyuwangi to have quality public health education institution,” he said.
Author: Siti Mufaida
Editor: Nuri Hermawan