UNAIR NEWS – The coolness of Sunday morning turned to warmth for the academicians of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). At six o’clock sharp, there were about a thousand people gathered in the front yard of the Management building.
Some high-ranked officials, such as the Head of University Senate Prof Dr dr Muhammad Amin, Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, S.Si, Apt., M.Kes, Ph.D, Head of LP4M Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Jusuf Irianto M.Comm, and Head of LPI Prof Dr Drs Hery Purnobasuki MSi., PhD, were present. There were also some deans such as from Faculty of Economics and Business Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak, Faculty of Vocations Dr. Widi Hidayat, S.E., M. Si., Ak., and Faculty of Public Health Prof. Dr. dr Tri Martiana.
The lecturers, employees and students from nay faculties seemed enthusiastic. They took part happily. They moved well following the fast-paced music.
The callisthenics activity is a routine in the yard of management building. The faculties take turn to organize it. This time, it was Faculty of Nursing’s turn to organize it.
Three instructors guiding the movements were so communicative that the participants even more spirited. After the activity, most of the participants enjoyed the park and lake of Campus C UNAIR. Some prizes were prepared and waited by the participants. Interestingly, there was also breakfast, music performances and free health check-ups.
This activity is a great medium to interact socially with other academicians and also as communication forum. The academicians have the opportunity to share information. Hopefully this routine can be maintained and even improved further involving the surrounding communities especially for the free health check-ups so the it gives even more benefits.
“Obviously, it can strengthen ties among academicians,” said Vice Dean III Faculty of Economics and Business Nisfu Laila, SE.,M.Com who was also present in the occasion. (*)
Author: Suko Widodo