
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Gus Ali Encourages UNAIR Academicians to Implement Jamu Jati Kendi

UNAIR NEWS – Working or earning money is an absolute need for every individuals in order to live as well as a form of worship to Allah SWT. But, the intention to work must be with sincerity expecting God’s blessings. It was stated by KH. Agus Ali Masyhuri or known as Gus Ali, when he started his sermon in UNAIR routine religious sermon on Monday, August 29.

“Good deed will not fail if it goes with sincerity. Sincerity also shows that it is presented to Allah SWT only. Always remember, that we cannot show sincerity without his blessing too.  La haulla wa laquwatta illa billah,” said Gus Ali

The gathering was held in Lecture room 3.2 Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR and attended by the officials and staff of Faculty of Pharmacy. In his sermon, Gus Ali also made some jokes to make the atmosphere livelier. The man in the management of Pondok Pesantren Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo also said that people who are blinded by this realm, will easily lose objectivity. For Gus Ali, people like those often get angry and emotional if they everything is not like what they expect and they do not have sincerity.

“I suggest that we all implement JAMU JATI KENDI, mind our speech, thought and control self in every situation,” he said.

Gus Ali’ sermon made the congregation enthusiastically listen to the messages. Gus Ali elaborated some smart tips to implement “JAMU JATI KENDI”. Some of them are encourage them to always associate with pious people. In the context, they are people who give us good influence in our life either in our religiosity and environments. He also suggested to always praise God (dzikr).

“When our heart filled with dzikr, it will prevent us from doing bad things and prevent us from jealousy. And finally we have to stay calm anytime,” he said. (*)

Author: Farida Hari
Editor: Nuri Hermawan