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Himalingua Reviews Thesis on Landscape Linguistics

UNAIR NEWS – To provide deep insight into linguistic studies, the Students Association of Master of Linguistics (Himalingua), Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, held a Thesis review on Landscape Linguistics. The event which was followed by master’s students of Linguistics Science was held on Monday, March 19, at Chairil Anwar Hall FIB UNAIR.

The reviewer was Intan Novita Ferdiyanti, the master’s graduate from the first batch graduation of Linguistics. In her presentation, the alumnus addressed as Intan reviewed various matters concerning the study of landscape linguistics. For her, the study is still very new among academics who focus in linguistics.

“In Indonesia, landscape linguistics study is rarely conducted. In fact, when looking for references, I only found a few academics who focused on this study, ” she said.

Meanwhile, met after the event, Head of Himalingua Intan Amalia stated that the thesis review was aimed to provide insights on thesis writing as well as the journals to the students. The student from class of 2017 asserted that the theme determined should be based on the needs of students.

“In addition, the study of landscape linguistics is fairly new and very interesting for us,” she said.

Dr. Ni Wayan Sartini (in the middle) with speakers and students after the event. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Head of the Master’s Program of Linguistics FIB UNAIR Dr. Ni Wayan Sartini M.Hum., revealed that the landscape linguistics is indeed a very interesting study. According to her, a study that focuses on the phenomenon of language in public space has many benefits for both for society and stakeholders.

“This study will provide insight to the community about how to build a perception of a region or city through the language presented in the public space,” she said.

Furthermore, the cultural linguist added that the landscape linguistics covered many things. During a visit to the City of Yogyakarta, she added, people will be treated to the use of Java language and it is used a lot there. This is different from Surabaya as a city of business and world trade which tends to use more Indonesian and English.

“The languages ​​presented in the public space builds the public perception in a region with its own distinctive and distinctive characteristics,” she added.

At the end, Udayana University doctoral graduate also confirmed that landscape linguistics review is also useful for stakeholders. She added that the stakeholders in this case are often accommodated by language centers, the landscape linguistics can serve as a guide for local government in making decisions about language policy.

“So, the landscape linguistics is not just about language structure, but a lot more as words have meanings,” she concluded. (*)

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Feri Fenoria