UNAIR NEWS – YSPC or Youth Science Paper Competition 2018 is a national student scientific writing competition that provides a forum for students to present their creative ideas related to economics through scientific papers. This year is the third year of YSPC organization.
According Sulistyo Primadani as the head of Accounting Student Association (HMA) PSDKU UNAIR, different from previous year, YSPC 2018 this time was themed “Digital of Economic”. The digital economy, for him, is a complex and emerging phenomenon linked to aspects of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and organizational and administrative theory.
“The digital economy will explain the development and economic growth of decades to come. In addition, the digital economy has many sub-sectors that can be studied through scientific papers. Therefore, this activity is expected to be a place for new ideas and ideas about the digital economy of students throughout Indonesia, “he said.
YSPC subthemes this time were Business and Economy, Information and Technology, Social and Culture, Hospitality and Tourism. Registration and submission of full paper for period I is on April 9-May 9, 2018; period II on May 10-June 10, 2018; and the period III is on June 11 to July 10, 2018. Full paper selection is on July 11 to July 31, 2018. Announcement for Top 10 papers is on August 1, 2018. Re-registration is from 2 to 16 August 2018. Technical Meeting is on August 24, 2018. Presentation session for full paper is on August 25, 2018 and the field trip on August 26, 2018.
The participants are students from all public and private university students in D3 / D4 / S1 level throughout Indonesia and from various disciplines, a team of LKTI participants consists of teams containing 2-3 people from one university. A team is allowed to submit more than one paper with different team leader. The work is an idea or research that has not been submitted and published before, the committee has the right to full publication of incoming work for the purposes of publication of research and services to the public with the copyright retained by the participants.
The first winner will get a certificate + trophy + Rp. 2,000,000; Second Winner will get a certificate + Trophy + Rp. 1.500.000, – and the third winner will get a certificate + Trophy + Rp. 1,000,000. All participants also get certificates.
So what are you waiting for? Prepare your best team to join our great event!!!
Author: Siti Mufaida
Editor: Nuri Hermawan