UNAIR NEWS – In the graduation ceremony for the December 2021 period, Universitas Airlangga Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., graduated 1515 students from vocational (D3-D4), bachelor’s (S1), master’s (S2) and doctoral (S3) degrees. This time, the graduation ceremony was held offline at the Airlangga Convention Center, Campus C, for three days. The first day was on Saturday, December 4, 2021.
In his speech, Prof. Nasih conveyed several messages to the graduates. UNAIR Rector emphasized that graduation is not the end of everything. Graduates are expected to be smart people who keep learning.
Prof. Nasih said graduates should continue to be present for the nation and continue to learn for the benefit of mankind. As alumni, we still have to be smart and great people.
“You have to be responsive. You have to be there for your fellow human beings, the nation, and all. You have to be innovative people, able to contribute to all of humanity,” he explained.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Dr. Erwin Astha Triyono Sp.PD of the Universitas Airlangga-Alumni Association (IKA-UNAIR) emphasized that alumni have to uphold the alma mater’s name and contribute to IKA-UNAIR activities both within and outside UNAIR.
“Graduates can communicate and coordinate with IKA-UA. Promise to be faithful, to do holy devotion, and to be of noble service,” he said.
In addition, Muhammad Fajar Faliasthiunus Pradipta, a representative of the graduates, gave a speech emphasizing that alumni have to play a role in society and apply the tri dharma (three pillars) of higher education as well as possible.
“And keep trying to prove that Universitas Airlangga graduates are qualified, competitive, integrated, and, most importantly, eager to be useful for humanity because we, Airlangga Knights, have Excellence with Morality,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia