UNAIR NEWS – In the past, developing countries were synonymous with cases of malnutrition and developed countries were synonymous with cases of excessive body weight. However, the globalization era has caused cases of excessive body weight, both overweight and obese, increasing in several developing countries. In Indonesia, there was increasing cases of overweight by 5 percent and obesity by 11.3 percent from 2007 to 2018.
Dr. Widati, dr., M.Kes, Sp.GK, lecturer of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga in the Lingua Talks Podcast episode 5 (May 5, 2021) said that an unbalanced diet is one of the causes of problems, such as from foods that are high in sugar and calories, but lack fiber and protein. It is worsened by the lack of movements because they are too attached with their gadgets. As a result, energy that is not used is converted into body reserves in the form of fat and cause them to be overweight or obese.
Dr Widati said that one way to find out the nutritional status of our body is by having an anthropometric examination. This examination begins with measuring weight and height. Next, find your Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing your weight (in kg) by your height squared (in m2).
“Based on the WHO classification, the ideal body weight has a BMI score ranging from 18.5-25,” said the doctor born in Ponorogo 55 years ago.
A score below 18 is categorized as underweight, between 25-29.9 is categorized as overweight, and above 30 is considered obese. However, this measurement cannot tell the percentage of water, muscle, and fat in the body.
One way to lose weight for people with excessive body weight is to eat less. However, some of them do not conform to health principles. Like eating with very little portions or only eating certain foods. “In fact, the right diet is a healthy and fun diet,” she said.
“If someone wants to lose weight, there must be a deficit of energy from their normal daily needs,” she continued. Thus, the body will break down the reserves into energy.
Then what about the energy needs? This doctor keen on traveling answered that people with excessive body weight should look for their real energy needs. The ideal body weight multiplied by the needs for daily physical activity. After that, reduce 500 to 1000 kcal with a minimum energy intake of 800-1000 kcal per day.
Furthermore, the ideal body weight is your height minus 100, then multiplied by 0.9. Physical activity needs are divided into three, 20-25 kcal for light or no activity, 30 kcal for moderate activity, and 35-50 kcal for strenuous activity.
After calculating the amount, the thing that must be considered is taking into account the nutritional components in the food. Such as carbohydrates by 55 percent, total fat by 30 percent (with monounsaturated fat by 15 percent), protein by 15 percent, and fiber by 20-30 grams. Remember, the need for fluids must also be fulfilled, with 8 glasses of water.
“If the diet is correct, then the body weight can be reduced by around 0.5-1 kg in one week,” said this mother of three children. She added that the diet should not cause health problems. Doctor Widati also encouraged to keep exercising while dieting. “Because the combination of the two (proper diet and exercise, ed) is preferred,” she concluded. (*)
Author: M. Gita Jayanata