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ICoASHE 2019, Rector: Archive as Development Foundation to Advance

UNAIR NEWS – Universities as scientific institutions in Indonesia have shown their seriousness in managing archives. It was proven through the establishment of Indonesian Higher Education Archives Association (PAPTI) in December 2017.
As its annual agenda, PAPTI held its 3rd congress during International Conference on Archives of Social Science, Humanities and Education(ICoASHE) 2019. On this occasion, Universitas Airlangga was the host and it was held at Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR Management Office.
The event which was held from Sunday, April 21, 2019 to Tuesday, April 23, 2019 presented several speakers. They were Prof. Dr. H. Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, S.H, M.Hum, Dr. Mustari Irawan, MPA, Drs. Syafruddin, M.Si, Jessica Yeo, Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof, Prof.Dr, Hu Chieh-Chien, Ir. Anon Mirmani, S.IP, MIM-Arch/Rec, Dr. Andi Kasman M, S.E., M.M and opened by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA.
In the opening remarks, Prof. Nasih said the role of archiving is truly extraordinary because it would be the basis for all of us to continue to progress and develop, especially with the development of industrial revolution 4.0. It is a challenge for the world of archiving.
“Therefore, in developing archiving, in depth and structured research to lead to more modern and effective management is needed,” he explained.
Chairman of PAPTI Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, gave an explanation about the challenges ahead. He said that PAPTI must have creative thinking, problem solving and decision making for this country.
In the field of archiving, he continued, higher education also has a legal foundation as stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 43 of 2009 concerning archiving. Some of them explained the university’s obligation to report their records regarding all activities to National Archives of Republic of Indonesia (ANRI).
“Higher education as a modern organization also needs to organize their archives based on information technology effectively and efficiently according to the framework of SKN, SIKN and JIKN,” he explained.
The third presentation was delivered by ANRI leader, Mustari Irawan. In his presentation he said that the awareness on the importance of archive was still low, especially in a number of government agencies both at the central and regional levels. They do not realize that it has reduced the quality of public services.
“The national movement on building awareness of archives is not only carried out by ANRI, but must involve many stakeholders including universities,” he explained.
As the main speaker, Minister of PAN-RB Drs. Syafruddin, M.Si., said that life competition cannot be separated from the global situation, either the state, or any institutions are all running fast due to revolution 4.0.
Therefore, he continued, the world has competed in the technological era that supports the economic movement and progress of countries in the world. This is supported by an electronic-based government system that will guarantee safe and secure data.
“Archiving, the essence is an indication of nation development. But this effort can not only be done by one element. But we all, both the government and archival institutions and universities, “he concluded.
All the important ranks attending the meeting also affirmed their commitment in archive management through the integrity pact and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). (*)
Author: Nabila Amelia
Editor: Nuri Hermawan