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Identification of Smile Aesthetic Incompatibility with Anterior Tooth Analysis

Photo scource: lifestyle-indonesia.com
Photo scource: lifestyle-indonesia.com

Suspicion of a very significant correlation between the shape of the upper and lower jaw arches and the ratio of tooth size turned out to be incorrect. The results were based on a study of ethnic Javanese malloclusion patients at Dental and Oral Hospital Universitas Airlangga by Dr. I Gusti Aju Wahju Ardani, drg., M. Kes. Sp.Ort. (K).

Knowledge of the curvature of the six anterior or front teeth is one indicator of identifying the determination of the disorder or the problem location in the tooth, especially considering the success of treatment in cases of misalignment of the teeth and face.

Treatment in the case of misalignment of the teeth and face can be successful if it does several things. First, correction of masticatory and speech functions in the stomatognathic system (masticatory system). Second, getting aesthetic teeth and face. And, third, giving stable results.

The arch form is one of the important components that can reoccur after orthodontic treatment. The relationship between arch shape and tooth size ratio needs to be evaluated. That way, it can help to determine extraction or non-extraction treatments in malocclusion or misaligned jaw bone and teeth.

The results showed that there is no significant correlation between the shape of the maxillary and mandibular arches with the tooth size ratio using Bolton analysis between Angle Class I, Class II, and Class III malocclusions in Javanese ethnicity (p> 0.05). Whereas the anterior TSR in Angle Class I malocclusion has a significant correlation with inter-CW in the mandibular arch (p

Author: Dr. I Gusti Aju Wahju Ardani, drg., M. Kes. Sport. (K).

Detailed of research can be viewed here:


I Gusti Aju Wahju Ardani, Dhansha Kannayyah, Ari Triwardhani. 2019. Correlation of maxillary and mandibular arch form and tooth size ratio in ethnic Javanese malocclusion patient. Journal of International Oral Health. 11(2):75-79. DOI: 10.4103/jioh.jioh_8_19