Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Iftar Gathering with UNAIR Academicians

Prof. Dr. Moh. Ali Aziz, M.Ag, delivers a sermon on Monday (5/27/19) in 1st floor hall UNAIR Management Office. (Photo: Faisal Dika)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Monday, May 5, 2019, held an annual event held every Ramadan. An iftar gathering held in the hall of 1st floor UNAIR Management Office for UNAIR academicians was started with Religious Arts Student Activity Unit (UKM) performance.

The event was opened by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE, MT., Ak., CMA and continued with a sermon by Prof. Dr. Moh. Ali Aziz, M.Ag, Professor of UIN Sunan Ampel and author of Happy Prayer Therapy.

Prof. Ali Aziz revealed Ramadan is the month in which humans are required to control their emotions and passions. Humans must be able to restrain temptations.

“There are no words which say Allah is shackling Satan and closing hell. The statement is in a passive sentence, a shackled demon. So we actually chained the devil,” said Prof. Ali Aziz.

On the same occasion, Prof Ali Aziz said that in QS An Nisa: 69-70, whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor, they will be with the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous.

“First there are the prophets, the second is super-pious people, the third are martyrs, those who died on the battlefield. And the last is people with regular piety, “he explained.

Prof Ali Aziz said the reason why regular pious people are included in the four groups.

“The success of leaders is inseparable from the lower level people who took part in the success of something, but they don’t get the credit,” added Prof. Ali Aziz.

Prof. Nasih thanked all those who were present. He hoped that the activity could strengthen the relationship between UNAIR academicians.

“Hopefully this activity will strengthen our friendship, our togetherness, and our devotion in Ramadan,” said Rector of UNAIR, Prof. Nasih.

Author: Faisal Dika Utama

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh