Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Ike Herdiana: Healthy parameters can be seen from emotional and psychological condition

UNAIR NEWS – Humans are not only affected by physical health but also mental health. Mental health is often neglected because it is not visible. Every phase of life will go through various life problems that can be the cause of mental illness. The Ministry of Women Empowerment BEM (Student Executive Board) UNAIR held a “Regular Study #4 Talk About Mental Health, Mindfulness and Happy Life,” which was held on Saturday (26/10/19). The activity was carried out in Lecture Hall 5.6 on the fifth floor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Campus C.

The event presented two expert speakers in the field of psychology. The first speaker was Ike Herdiana, S.Psi., M. Psi, and the second one was Endang Wahyuni, S. Ag., M. Psi. Ike explained that mental health is a condition that shows emotional and psychological well-being. According to her, the parameters of mental health can be seen from his emotional and psychological state.

“The mental health parameters can be seen from the emotional state first and then the psychological condition. If you are emotionally and psychologically prosperous, it can be said that your current condition is in a healthy mental condition,” she added.

She continued, people with mental disorders cannot be immediately analyzed through test kits or self-diagnosis quizzes.

“People with mental disorders feel uncomfortable and show behavioral disturbances, problems or deviations. The dynamics of a mental problem condition do not appear suddenly. There should be problem exploration, and it cannot be immediately analyzed through test kits or self-diagnosis quizzes,” she stated.

She said that recognizing self-symptoms related to mental problems can be done alone, but for diagnosis, it must go through a series of physical and psychological examinations that professionals must carry out. Meanwhile, Endang gave some instructions for body movements that are good for the body and mental health. One of the movements is to meditate.

By inhaling, holding it, and then exhaling it slowly in a static counting, the participants are suggested to imagine the problems in their minds and throw them away with an imaginative perspective. There are also some facial movements to maintain facial flexibility. She said it was an excellent activity to practice at night before going to bed and after getting out of bed in the morning.

Author: Nur Rizky Rimadhani

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia