UNAIR NEWS – Department of Community Dental Health (IKGM) Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) UNAIR launched a program “Dynamic and Integrated of Dental Public Health Movement” on Monday, June 17.
The event which took place at Surabaya Botanika Restaurant attended by Head of IKGM Department, Dr. Taufan Bramantoro, drg., M.Kr. along with all IKGM staff, representatives of Surabaya City Health Office and Health Center.
In his presentation, Taufan said that it is not a new program but the development of innovation from IKGM program before.
Taufan said the research result showed that around 88.8% of Indonesian have dental caries. Even 9 out of 10 children have dental caries. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the number of dentists in Indonesia. However, a large number of dentists in the country has not been able to solve dental problems, especially caries that many people experience in Indonesia.
“The solutions made so far are still partial, not comprehensive. So we need movement and innovation in the medical world to deal with these problems, ” he explained.
By combining the concept of learning-research-empowerment, IKGM implements programs that not only educate but also empower healthy living behaviors in Surabaya.

“Some outputs or products that have been produced and run include modules for community teachers and cadres, android applications and websites (www.gigi or.id, Red) and storybooks that contain educational values about maintaining healthy teeth, both for children and adults, “said Head of IKGM Department.
The entire community empowerment program is the result of the innovation and creativity of FKG professional education students as the task of fieldwork practice (PKL) for six weeks. Students will go directly to the community in several areas in Surabaya to conduct research on public health issues in each location. The study even involved two international students from Radboud University in Netherlands.
After finding data related to health problems in the local area, students were asked to compile a product to promote oral and dental health in the community. Some of these products include SI CEKAT (Ready to Prevent High Caries), PERSEGI (Dental Health Learning), Cemal Cemil Program for Pregnant Women, and many more.
IKGM program received a positive response and full support from Health Office and several health center in Surabaya. IKGM also cooperates with the local health office and health center to monitor and evaluate the results of the product or program implementation that has been carried out each year. Besides, this program is also a step for the IKGM Department to open international classes in the upcoming school year. (*)
Author: Zanna Afia Deswari
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh