UNAIR NEWS –Â After two study programs PSDKU UNAIR, Public Health and Aquaculture Banyuwangi, were visited, this time Accounting Study Program PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi was assessed on Friday, April 14.
The assessor team’s arrival, Dr. Sylvia Veronica Nps, Dr, SE, Ak., from University of Indonesia and Dr. Etna Nur Afri Yuretta, SE., M.Si., Akt., from Diponegoro University Semarang were welcomed by UNAIR Vice Rector II Muhammad Madyan Dr., SE., M.Si., M.Fin.
In addition, there was also Director of Education UNAIR Prof. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, Drh., DEA., UNAIR Quality Assurance Board Secretary Helmy Yusuf, Dean of FEB UNAIR, PSDKU Coordinator Prof. Suryanto S.Pi., M.Si., and 4 heads of PSDKU UNAIR study programs in Banyuwangi.
Responding to the visit, A.A. Gede Satia Utama, SE., M.Si., Ak., as Head of Accounting Study Program PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi said that to convince the assessors, he presented some prospective users who have worked with UNAIR since the inception of PSDKU campus related to interns and thesis.
“They are Banyuwangi Local Government Work Units (SKPD), Banyuwangi Regional Income Agency (Bapeda), representatives of banking institutions in Banyuwangi, both public and private, representatives from Banyuwangi Customs Office and several other private institutions,” he said.
Regarding the results, he hoped that the can maintain the quality of the Tri Darma of higher education that has been done very well at UNAIR.
“It is the same for PSDKU campuses in Banyuwangi and students, this accreditation will guarantee their quality to enter the world of work after they graduate,” he added.
Meanwhile, according to Triyan Rediyanto, a student of Accounting study program PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi class 2014, the activity involved all academicians of Accounting study program, including students.
“Facing the assessor directly is the most challenging thing. For us this is a new thing. Everything related to the study program is assessed in detail from the assessment, the learning process, the location of talent interest activities, the laboratory, the reading room, to the student organization activities were also reviewed in the assessment, “he said.
The assessment was done for three days from 12 to 14 April 2018. Triyan hoped that the assessment can give good result.
“We,students of Banyuwangi PSDKU Accounting and the public will certainly want qualified accounting graduates,” Triyan added.
Author: Siti Mufaida
Editor: Nuri Hermawan