Universitas Airlangga Official Website

IMT Mines Albi Explores Cooperation with AGE UNAIR in the Field of Science and Pharmacy

UNAIR NEWS – One step towards 500 World Class University (WCU) at Universitas Airlangga is by collaborating with reputable international universities. Currently, UNAIR intensively cooperates with various international partners.

Therefore, Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) held a meeting with IMT Mines Albi, France. Director of AGE, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si said the collaboration aims to improve the quality of UNAIR’s scientific fields, especially in the areas of science and pharmacy in national and international arena. The meeting was also preparation to prepare UNAIR in opening Faculty of Engineering in 2020.

“We are aware that IMT Mines Albi is a technology institute that is truly exclusive and has competencies that have been recognized in many international forums. Thus, we want to collaborate with them, “said Prof. Nyoman

One of the expectations from the meeting was a quality collaboration research between the Faculty of Pharmacy and Bio-Health-Engineering study program in the development of medicines, which would certainly benefit many people. Besides, UNAIR also invites students from IMT Mines Albi by offering international AGE programs such as Academic Mobility Exchange for Undergraduate at Airlangga (AMERTA), summer schools that are directly related to nature and society, etc.

“As a Chemistry lecturer at FST, I’m optimistic that by bringing together adjunct professors, student mobility, and collaborative research with IMT Mines Albi, the performance of UNAIR academics will continue to improve,” said Prof. Nyoman

This meeting was held on Tuesday, October 29 in Meeting Room A of Rectorate Building, Campus C and attended by representatives from IMT Mines Albi, Lydie Migano.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia