
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

In 2017, UNAIR New Repository Ready to be Used

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) library is ready to launch  a new institutional repository (IR) to civitas academica. As planned, the IR will be ready to be fully accessed in 2017.

Since April 2016, UNAIR library has launched the new UNAIR repository page which can be accessed at repository.unair.ac.id. According to the Head of UNAIR Library, Prof. Dr. I Made Narsa, S.E., M.Si., Ak, this page will be launched to meet the need of the institution and the challenges of information technological development. With the new repository page, the researches’ papers will be easily detected by the public and the ranking institutions.

“For easier detection, we put them up front. Therefore repository.unair.ac.id was made so there will be easier detection for ranking institutions. We launched the page in April 2016,” said the Head of UNAIR Library.

All this time, IR is on a subdomain adln.lib.unair.ac.id. IR was managed by Ganesha Digital Library (GDL) application. GDL UNAIR Library which was formed from 2005 to 2015 and contained 43,986 university’s local contents. The content consisted of 13 kinds of scientific works, such as research journals, field practice reports, proceeding articles, bachelor and master thesis and dissertation. The content was dominated by bachelor thesis which reached 28,976 titles.

Prof. Narsa said that this GDL app is no longer compatible with the library need. Therefore, the content in GDL will be migrated to new repository application called E-prints. In the future, it will contain ten of thousands contents previously contained on GDL.

To simplify the content migration from the old to the new app, as of 2016, scientific works submitted have been directed to the new repository. The total contents uploaded in it have reached 1,649 titles.

Furthermore, to complete and increase the collection, UNAIR Library has coordinated with Directorate of Education. UNAIR library obliges the students to submit their final assignments pursuant to the standards applied by UNAIR Library as a requirement for graduation.

“All this time, the problem was there were many students’ final assignments which were not submitted to the library. But now, I have coordinated with and asked the Director of Education put scientific works submission and free library obligation as one of the requirement for graduation. To get a free library obligation form, they have to submit their thesis (or other final assignments) in a hardcopy and softcopy,” said Prof. Narsa.

In the future, UNAIR Library will let students to upload their file independently. For  it, the Head of UNAIR Library has coordinated with parties from the reading room, departments and programs.

“We want the students to upload by themselves. Departments just need to verify them. If it meets the requirement, the library will approve and we will give the free library obligation form,” said the professor on Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), UNAIR. (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma S.