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Inaugurating 44 Dentists, FKG Dean and Vice Rector I Emphasize Importance of Alumni Communication

Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M. Kes. (left) and UNAIR Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih M.Si. (second from the right). (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) started this year by holding an inauguration and dentist oath-taking. The procession took place at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) on Tuesday, January 7, 2020. There were 44 inaugurated dentists who are ready to serve the community.

Several parties were present at the inauguration this time, including some stakeholders such as representatives of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Soewandhi; representatives of Navy Hospital (AL) dr. Ramelan; representatives of Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM) UNAIR Prof. Coen Pramono D. drg., SU., Sp.BM (K) FICS; UNAIR Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih M.Si; Head of FKG UNAIR Alumni, drg. Nora Lelyana; with the lecturers and staff.

According to the inaugurated dentist representative and head of the event organizer, Affan Nuranggar Insani, what was interesting about this inauguration was two dentists graduated with two degrees, one person with a medical degree and health master and another person has a dental degree and master’s degree in law. Furthermore, three dentists were graduated with a perfect Grade Point Average (GPA), 4.00.

“The three people who achieved the perfect GPA were Ananta Ayu Wulansari, Mario Powa Mensana, and Janery Fidelia Abraham. The three of them came forward to receive appreciation directly from the Dean of FKG UNAIR, Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M. Kes., accompanied by their respective parents, “Affan said.

A speech was also given by Dr. Darmawan as the leader of FKG UNAIR. He said that the inauguration was very encouraging because some students could finish their studies earlier, including achievement in national examinations. Besides, Dr. Darmawan also advised that the new dentists and alumni could make more achievements for alma mater at both national and international level.

“Moreover, there is a graduate ranked first at the national level and many graduated with excellent GPA. That’s very extraordinary. Furthermore, we encourage all our alumni to make their alma mater proud and help their juniors. That way we will bring progress to FKG UNAIR, “explained Dr. Darmawan.

The steps to improve FKG UNAIR must continue to be even after some achievements, such as the accreditation of Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKES), Asean University Network (AUN) accreditation, and ASIIN accreditation. Therefore, the quality of education presented has international standards.

In the closing session, Prof. Nyoman delivered her remarks and said that the new dentists will jump in and work in the community. That is both an opportunity and a challenge. She continued that UNAIR was optimistic that dentistry graduates would be able to face various problems because they have excellent academic quality as well as professional competence.

“Continue to learn in the community because learning should be a part of our life. Alumni are also expected to keep in touch with FKG UNAIR and UNAIR. Interestingly, there was an appreciation from FKG UNAIR Alumni Association (IKA) for outstanding graduates. This is the beginning of a good relationship between them, “added Prof. Nyoman after the event. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Khefti Al MawaliaÂ