Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Inaugurating new officials, Rector emphasizes consolidation

UNAIR Rector signs the inauguration script for new officials. (Photo: M. Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – After inaugurating the ranks of vice rectors, deans, and vice deans, Universitas Airlangga Rector appointed new ranks of officials within UNAIR. They are heads and secretaries of boards, directors and secretaries of directorates, heads and secretaries of institutes, vice director of RSUA, heads of centers, and head of library who were inaugurated on Friday, October 23.

Being held at Garuda Mukti Hall Campus C UNAIR, the inauguration was carried out by implementing strict health protocols. In fact, all inaugurated officials were required to take a rapid test first.

Before delivering remarks to new officials, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih first gave his appreciation and gratitude to the former officials who had completed their service period. According to Prof. Nasih, without the excellent performance for the last five years, UNAIR would not have been able to reach its current position.

“We’d like to express our appreciation and gratitude to all trustees who have carried out their duties properly from 2015 to 2020. Hopefully it will become an act of worship and good deeds that will benefit us all and the community, “said Prof. Nasih.

Meanwhile, to the new officials, Prof. Nasih emphasized many things. In his opinion, to be able to accelerate the tasks and functions of the organization, seriousness is needed by maximizing the main tasks and functions. It means, continued Prof. Nasih, it’s impossible for everything to be done alone.

“All of your tasks is to mobilize and coordinate the pace of this university. Hopefully in the future we will be better at carrying out the new mandate, “he explained.

In the end, Prof. Nasih emphasized the importance of consolidation. Consolidation, he said, became significant in accelerating UNAIR’s steps towards predetermined targets.

“Congratulations on your new duties. Even though it is very hard, with commitment and good intentions, we can do it as well as possible, “he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan