UNAIR NEWS – No one would argue about if we said that Indonesia is wealthy of natural resources and its tribal diversity. To preserve and utilize the resources in the best way possible, its next generation should have excellent national insights to achieve prosper Indonesia. Universities also take roles in this regard.
To incite nationalism especially for college students, University Compulsory Course team (MKWU), Universitas Airlangga, is holding a poster competition ‘Darmabangga’. Darmabangga stands for ‘Dari Mahasiswa untuk Bangsa dan Airlangga (From Students for Nation and Airlangga)’.
Ikhsan Rosyid, S.S., M.A., in MKWU team, said that the competition is held to actualize the students’ nationalism and their love to UNAIR through posters. “This competition is also to incite creativity of students in a form of posters to reinforce nationalism and their devotion to UNAIR,” said Ikhsan on Tuesday, March 22.
The competition is open to UNAIR active students in diploma and bachelor program. Registration and poster submission is open from March 14 to April 25, 2016. The judging is held on April 26 and the winners are announced the next day, April 27, 2016.
The committee has its own criteria to determine the winners. They are originality, theme conformity, communicative, educative and persuasive approach, uniqueness, composition, lay-out and the message delivery.
So what are you waiting for? Submit your Darmabangga poster now! (*)
Author: Defrina Sukma S