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International AAOM Conference 2019 Ends, Positive Responses Received

AAOM Closing
From the left: Minister of National Development Planning Bambang Brodjonegoro, President of AAOM Ajai Gaur, Vice Rector of Pertamina University Budi W Soetjipto, and UNAIR Professor Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifa'i)

UNAIR NEWS – The prestigious event for the world’s management scientists Asia Academy of Management – AAOM 2019 Conference ended on Friday, June 21. The event was held at the Patra Resort and Villas Bali received a lot of appreciation and positive responses, starting from the government of the Republic of Indonesia represented by Minister of National Development Planning Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, SE, MUP, Ph.D., to President of AAOM Ajai Gaur from Rutgers University.

The Minister, Bambang Brodjonegoro, after giving a presentation at the gala dinner on Thursday night, June 20, said that his party was proud of the AAOM 2019 event as it also launched Indonesia Academy of Management (IAOM). For him, the presence of the IAOM is expected to improve the quality of Indonesian scientific research in the field of management science.

He also said that a prestigious forum for management scientists could expand Indonesia’s management scientific network to the world. As a government apparatus, he added, he hoped that in the future the presence of IAOM could have a positive impact on Indonesian management sector.

“Both engaged in private and public sectors. And hopefully, the IAOM can also encourage Indonesia’s role to become a developed country, “he said.

In line with Bambang Brodjonegoro, AAOM President Ajai Gaur said that the forum was a very appropriate place to exchange management knowledge insights. Both for management scientists in Indonesia, as well as for management scientists from various countries in Southeast Asia, Asia, and the world. Not only that, he continued, the forum which takes place every two years can also be a forum to boost the quality of management science research in Indonesia.

“We hope that the participants who were present in Bali today can join to join a similar event in China in 2021,” he explained. “We are expecting your participation and arrival in China in 2021. See you,” he added.

Meanwhile, on a different occasion, Vice Rector for Research at Pertamina University Budi W Soetjipto, Ph.D., said that through the first prestigious forum held in Indonesia, he wanted to encourage Indonesian management scientists to stand out among global scientists.

“This is an excellent forum to gain networking and insight in the field of management science,” said Budi.

In the end, on a different occasion, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco also responded to the program which was attended by hundreds of scientists from various parts of the world. Prof. Badri was also one of the initiators of IAOM hopes that in the future, there will be many management scientists whose work and research acknowledged by the global academic community.

“Hopefully with this three-day forum, our management scientists can gain network and insight to improve the quality of Indonesian research in the field of management,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan