
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Internationalization Effort through Collaboration with University of Groningen

UNAIR NEWS – The University of Groningen, the Netherlands, has an excellent reputation. The university founded in 1614 is the second oldest university and the 3rd largest in the Netherlands. Its ranking in QS WUR (QS World University Rankings), the University of Groningen is at 113th.

This excellent reputation is one of the factors of collaboration offered by UNAIR. In a visit to Europe started last week, some famous universities were visited by the Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Moh. Nasih and UNAIR officials. From several universities, collaborations have been established. One of them is the University of Groningen.

“We visited the other universities to improve UNAIR global recognition in the world,” said Prof. Nasih.

To facilitate the collaboration, the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of education and research conducted by Prof. M. Nasih, Rector of UNAIR with Prof. E. Sterken, Rector Magnificus University of Groningen, at the University of Groningen on Monday, March 19.

Prior to this visit, the University of Groningen has been working with UNAIR several times, especially with University Medical Center Groningen(UMCG). UMCG has already established collaboration with several departments at Faculty of Medicine UNAIR, through research collaborations, as well as lecturers and student exchange programs.

As with the Department of Pediatrics, it has been collaborating for 11 years. In November last year, the Department of Pediatrics with UMCG launched an application called Yellow Babies, the paperless electronic register application to facilitate data collection of hyperbilirubinemia cases that are handled in the hospital.

Author: Binti Quryatul M

Editor: Nuri Hermawan