
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Introducing Fintech, UNAIR Banking Management Holds Banking Talkshow 2018

UNAIR NEWS – Rapid development of technology is inevitable. One of the impacts is on economic and funding. In the past, people had to meet directly to make transaction. It indeed takes time and effort.

However, nowadays almost everything can be done with hands and gadgets such as checking deposit interest, online transactions, and make transfers with mobile banking applications.

From that point, the term fintech  (financial technology) becomes popular. Fintech is already very popular among the media or those who are active in technology. Many companies are already utilizing the technology.

In Indonesia, the amount of investment in fintech is getting higher and higher. Therefore, a new start-up company engaged in that field will get investment funds easily from investors. Utilizing fintech technology also brings high profit rate as well.

This is the background of D3 Banking Management Student Association of Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Airlangga held a talk show about fintech, especially about how the development and benefits of fintech in the current era.

Activities on Thursday, July 19 was held in the Hall on the third floor, Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR. Officials from the Financial Services Authority and Bank Syariah Mandiri Region Office V East Java were also attending.

The event received a very positive appreciation from the participants . Evidently, the number of participants reached 125 people from the campuses in Surabaya. One of the participants was eager to gain insights about current economic condition based on financial institution data.

“It is also explained that many Islamic banks and economic system in present time can be used to improve and apply fintech by financial institution itself,” said a student of Surabaya State University.

Meanwhile, from the point of view of the Financial Services Authority, Hendriyono Rachman as the speaker explained the digitalization of financial services. According to him, students who study financial science must always update about the latest technological developments in the financial world, especially banking.

In line with Hendriyono’s statement, Gunawan Arief Hartoyo from Bank Syariah Mandiri stressed that fintech is not a threat to financial institutions. The existence of fintech is quite good for financial institutions because, everything can be more efficient in various aspects.

On the other hand, related to the talkshow, Chief executive Bayu claimed to be grateful for the implementation of the firstly held event. It is expected to provide a positive impact for participants, especially those who study finance.

“For my fellow students, I hope there will be more events to hone our skills. Manage our time and teamwork, “said student of Banking Management 2017 Faculty of Vocational Studies.

“In addition, it is also held to make Faculty of Vocational Studies more familiar. Anyway, the activities we do is for the good reputation  of our alma mater, ” he added. (*)


Author: Wiwik Yuni Eryanti Ningrum

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i