UNAIR NEWS – International Office and Partnership (IOP) UNAIR, held International Students Orientation on Tuesday, February 23. It was an orientation program for international students who are from student exchange program in UNAIR this semester. It was held in Kahuripan Hall 301 UNAIR Management Office Building. The exchange students from many countries showed their enthusiasm in listening to the explanation presented by IOP UNAIR staff.
“Welcome in Surabaya. Today, you are officially parts of Universitas Airlangga,” said Moch Jalal, Outbound and Mobility Coordinator of IOP UNAIR in his address to the students. Information about Indonesia and UNAIR was presented in the orientation.
“Living abroad, initially, is difficult. But many of those who had gone back to their countries said that they missed Indonesia and its people,” said Puguh Budi Susetiyo, IOP staff. He then explained how to learn and survive in this country. The man who is also a lecturer of FIB UNAIR also shared his experience during his study in University of Warsaw.
This semester, as stated by International Class Manager IOP UNAIR Dewi Sartika, there are 73 international students admitted to student exchange program in UNAIR from many program schemes including AMERTA program(Academic Mobility Exchange for Undergraduate at Airlangga), Student Exchange in faculty scope and Community Outreach Program (COP).
“This year has shown quantity improvement compared to last year. For AMERTA program, there were 30 people and now there are 45 people,” said the Monash University graduate. They who attended this orientation were students from AMERTA program and student exchange in the faculty scope.
Those international students were from many universities in Asia, Europe and Africa such as Fontys University and Avans Hogeschool (Holland), Universiti Malaya, Management and Science University and Universiti Utara Malaysia (Malaysia), Royal University of Law and Economics, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Panasastra University of Cambodia (Cambodia), Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), University of the Philippines (The Philippines), and Institut de Management Des Arts et Metiers (Madagascar). They will study in Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Vocations and AMERTA International Class. (*)
Author : Yeano Andhika