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ITD Conducts Herbal Research to Treat Hepatitis C

UNAIR NEWS – ITD (Institute of Tropical Disease) in cooperation with Kobe University, Japan for SATREPS Project (Science and Technology Research Patnership for Sustainable Development Program), conducted a research on herbal antivirus treatment of Hepatitis C. This program was funded by JICA (Japan International Coorperation Agency) and JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency).

According to Dr. Ahmad Fuad Hafid, Ms., Apt in Division of Natural Medicine Research Development ITD, the program was to obtain active herbs in Indonesia as hepatitis C antivirus. Even though it is still in its laboratory development, the result has been published internationally.

Antiviral substance was obtained from some herbs in Alas Purwo Central Java National Park. This research was conducted by observing hepatitis C virus activity in hepar cells administered with 20 extracts from 10 different herbs.

“It hasn’t been tested on human yet, as to be a complete product, the research should be conducted for years even decades,” he said.

Adita Ayu Permatasari S.Si, one of the researchers, said that for human application would need some research stages and should be done by experts. Even though it is herbal, it does not mean we can use it casually. Clinical tests are needed for that.

Hepatitis C is a disease affecting liver. The disease caused by a virus can trigger infection and inflammation in liver. According WHO, the number of people with hepatitis C reaches 130-150 million and causes death to 350-500 thousand.

Hepatitis C virus develops in blood. It is transmitted through blood contact (syringe or blood transfusion). The virus is not transmitted by breastfeeding, food, drink or skin contact. (*)

Author: Lutfi Marzuki
Editor: Rio F. Rachman