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ITD UNAIR Be Excellence Center of Science and Technology Higher Education on Medical and Drugs

Rektor UNAIR Prof Moh Nasih (bawah) saat berbincang dengan mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UNAR Tania Ruli Natalnael yang akan mengikuti program IISMA ke Nanyang Technological University, Singapura. (Dok. AGE UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS – In 2016, Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) UNAIR got another award from General Directorate of Science and Technology Institution DIKTI. Previously, UNAIR research institute on tropical disease and infections has been named as Excellence Centre (PUI) of Science and Technology since 2012. But this time, it was PUI-Higher Education and divided into Product Orientation (OP) and Science Orientation (OS).

“This 2016, Kemenristekditi gathers PUI from higher education and divided its orientation, to be excellence center oriented to product or PUI-PTOP, and excellence science and technology center oriented to Science or PUI-PTOS,” said Prof. Inge Lusida, dr., Ph.D.

“The replacement did not happen naturally, there was a tight selection and finally categorized as 3 groups based on its quality,” she added.

The Head of ITD UNAIR explained that category made by Kemenristekdikti was adjusted with PUI worthiness. The target of PUI was improved until it deserves to be University institute with excellence center status.

She emphasized the selection process which was not easy. There were some phases to go through before named as PUI-PT.

“So this year the participants are limited, based on previous years, some universities deserved to compete as excellence centre. It should be emphasized that it is through a selection,” said the professor on Clinical Microbiology FK UNAIR.

About the selection phases, Dr. drh, EduardusBimoAksono, M.Kes with Dr. Ahmad Fuad Hafid, Apt, who were involved in the questionnaire assessment and proposal formulation PUI-ITD UNAIR added that there were three things in deciding PUI-PT. First phase is all universities were invited to fill the questionnaire form assessment and  to report its performance in 2015.

“In the second phase, they were invited to present the proposal in 2016. The first and the second phases already showed fail participants and the ones who passed were categorized as 3 cluster, where the ITD was included in cluster 1 and the final phase, they were invited to submit a proposal for activities in 2016, where it determines the amount of fund used, “said the secretary of Information and Public Relations Center (PIH)


Agreeing Bimo’s statement, Prof Inge added that in submitting a proposal, performance target in the next three years. So finally it works towards training to STP (Science Technology Park),” she added.

With the establishment of ITD UNAIR  as excellence center on medical and drugs last Friday, June 3, Prof. Inge hoped for fund supports given can improve ITD UNAIR, so it will be deemed worthy at national or international.

“It is a prestigious award, we are known national and internationally, funding support will also improve our research development to produce more products or international publication,” she added. (*)

Author : Dilan Salsabila