UNAIR NEWS – The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) team visited Universitas Airlangga on Tuesday, September 3. The visit was related to the academic leader award, an annual program from Kemenristekdikti. The team was welcomed by UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh. Nasih and staffs at the Rector’s Room, Campus C Management Office of UNAIR.
Visitation was made to one of the doctors, researchers, as well as lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine, UNAIR-RSUD Dr. Prof. Soetomo, Prof. Dr. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. One of the agendas was a direct presentation by Prof. Cita in front of the Kemenristekdikti team and several related UNAIR leaders.
The visit of the Kemenristekdikti Team was related to the 2019 Academic Leader award. Prof. Cita is one of the two candidates as 2019 academic leaders in the field of Health Sciences.
In the presentation, Prof. Cita explained her various studies as well as the achievements she had made during her role as a doctor, researcher, and lecturer at FK UNAIR-RSUD Dr. Soetomo. These achievements were from her research, scientific publications, community service, and products in terms of leprosy therapy and anti-aging therapy.

Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, the Kemenristekdikti team who is also a professor from Udayana University, Bali, revealed that his visit with the team to UNAIR was to meet Prof. Cita, one of the two finalists of the academic leader award. It was done to verify data relating to the findings and achievements in the health sector that have been carried out.
“We will make this assessment a consideration to determine whether Prof. Cita will receive an academic leader award from Kemristekdikti or not,” explained Dewa. “Of course, we will choose one of the two (candidates, ed). Hopefully Airlangga gets the best scores, “he continued.
In addition to the Health Sciences field, there are seven other fields for the academic leader award from the Ministry of Research and Technology. The seven fields are Science, Technology, Social Humanities, Arts and Culture, Agriculture, Maritime and Educational Sciences. From of the two candidates, one will be chosen from each field and will get an award.
Furthermore, the results of the visit will be discussed with Echelon 1 officials in the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Selected lecturers will receive an award on 1 October. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh