UNAIR NEWS – “Building Indonesia from the villages”. That is one of the foundations of Community Service Program – Learning Together with the Community (KKN-BBM) of Universitas Airlangga. In addition to be a form of the implementation of higher education tridharma, this 57th batch of KKN-BBM UNAIR is targeted to be a place for students to learn while serving the community.
As the body in charge of KKN-BBM program, Head of Community Service Institute (LPM) UNAIR Prof. Dr. H. Jusuf Irianto, Drs., M . Com ., said that to optimize the role of KKN-BBM, LPM continues to make various breakthrough. One of them is by redesigning the various substance and technical aspects of KKN-BBM implementation.
“This redesigning is an effort to improve effectiveness of KKN-BBM program, especially on the substance and the technicality of KKN-BBM, ” he explained.
In terms of substance, Prof. Jusuf said that UNAIR wants to make a significant contribution to the development of East Java and Indonesia. One way to do it is by conducting community development through thematic KKN-BBM. Therefore, Prof. Jusuf added that the program should be adjusted to the needs of the community.
“So, in this thematic KKN-BBM, it’s not about what we can do, but what the people need,” he explained.
Furthermore, Prof. Jusuf also emphasized that the implementation of thematic KKN-BBM is conducted periodically and it takes a long time. Because of that, Prof. Jusuf gave an example, in its implementation, the 56th KKN-BBM batch was to conduct surveys and collect data. Then, the collected data used by the 57th batch will formulate the program.
“We started last semester so in the next five semesters we can see some results. By conducting regular activities like this, later on we have partner villages and strategic partner village, “he added.
The data collected, he added, is not only used by the 57th batch, but lecturers and local government can use the data as well.
“This data is the foundation for village development,” he explained.
At the end, Prof. Jusuf also reiterated that to make changes was not easy. Some parties are confused with the applied KKN-BBM model. Therefore, Prof. Jusuf and his team continue to disseminate and present the approach to lecturers and students prior to the implementation.
“Changes are not always directly followed by others. Some were surprised for the changes. Students also feel it too. We explained and disseminated, that’s the solution,” he explained. “Do not stop for the changes, this semester showed less resistance, unlike the previous semester,” he added.
To find out the number of students who participated in KKN-BBM in nine regencies and cities, UNAIR NEWS managed to summarize it in the following infographic:

Illustration by Feri Fenoria
Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor: Feri Fenoria